But Stefan was not so pleased. While they needed the help and badly, he did not like the way Ronan looked at Jirvel and he had not forgotten what Diarmad said the day before about bribing the priest so she would be free to marry. Nevertheless, he politely greeted the girls and then spotted Diarmad standing by a tree holding the reins of two horses. He preferred to ride their horse but the mare would not come to him. He needed Jirvel to whistle and she was busy talking.

Jirvel set the child down and curtsied to Ronan as a sign of respect even though it was not required for any man save their laird. "Ye are very kind to help us." She meant it too. They only had two chickens left and with no pen, Jirvel had to rely on her nightly prayer to keep them safe.

"Ye may not be so happy once ye see what these can eat o' a noon meal. Just in case, I brought two loaves o' bread." He handed her a cloth sack. "If that be not enough, I can send the laddies for…"

"'Tis more than enough."

Ronan nodded and went to his horse. "Best ye take our other horse for yer ride into the village, Stefan, and leave the mare in case the lassies need to come get us for some reason." He mounted and then rode his horse out of the courtyard and turned down the path.


But the other horse Diarmad held the reins to had a saddle and Stefan much preferred to ride bare back. Before he even asked, Jirvel whistled and it wasn't long until the mare came running. He bridled her, mounted and then turned to the woman he was beginning to think of more as a mother than just a good friend. "We will not tarry long." When he looked, Kannak and Andrina were whispering, looking at him and giggling. Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Enjoy yer day, Stefan. Perhaps ye should see more o' our land and meet more o' the people. We will be well." She saw the look of worry in his eyes and sought to comfort him further. "Ye forget, we have weapons now and we know how to use them. Be gone with ye two."

He still hesitated, but finally led the way up the same path Ronan took. After a time and when the path was wide enough, Diarmad moved his horse up beside Stefan's. "There be a certain lad we might consider for Andrina. His name be Blair and he has already had a wife, but she died six months ago with the birth o' her first. A lass in the village cares for her bairn, but Blair visits often. To my way o' thinking, only a good lad would do that."

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