But she simply could think of no other way. It was spring and their small plot of land needed more tending than two women could manage. Even if they could manage alone, they could not grow enough extra grain, barley or peas to trade for necessities such as salt, tools and weapons.

It was of weapons they were most concerned. Her father had taken them all when he left, except for a long bow neither of them was strong enough to draw. Her father normally bartered their cheese, milk and eggs for what they needed. But such small offerings were not enough to gain the gold and silver coins with which to pay the smithy for sound weapons. Therefore, Kannak needed a husband. Only a husband who brought his own weapons to the marriage could protect them.

Instead of following the path along the edge of the river that would take her around the wide bend to the village, Kannak decided to ride up the gradual slope through the trees to the top of the high land that overlooked both the home of her clan, the shore and the magnificent ocean beyond.

As always, when she reached the top, the sight of the endless water and the smell of the fresh sea air took her breath away. Looking at the ocean was the thing she loved most and she was tempted to just sit her horse and spend the rest of the day watching the waves crashing against the rocks. She was about to head down the other side of the hill to the village when she paused to reconsider. Surely there was another way.

There was one other option, but she dare not consider it - she could tell Laird Macoran of their troubles. Once it was clear her father was not coming back, she suggested they ask Laird Macoran for help. Her mother flatly refused and said it so sternly, Kannak did not argue. But just now she was tempted to risk her mother's ire. It was, after all, the duty of the laird to see that all the members of the clan were well taken care of. Besides, Jirvel was likely to be just as enraged when she returned with a husband.


Kannak sighed and watched a seagull glide out over the ocean. The air smelled fresh, a gentle breeze made the leaves in the trees rustle and it was such a pleasant day, she had to force herself to think clearly - take a husband or tell Laird Macoran? How was she ever to make the right decision?


It was midmorning when the Vikings spotted land. A small village was also coming into view which meant they would not have to sail north or south to find one. It would also be an easy mark for only three Viking ships. If the wind continued to blow steady as it was now, they could strike and be on their way back before dark. The men quickly gathered their weapons, put off their cloaks, donned their head gear and made ready to row. The mood aboard ship was a mixture of excitement and contemplation during which Stefan gained the advice of nearly every man. "Yer land legs'll deceive ye, laddie…find a plump lass…dare not turn yer back on a Scot…"

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