At least he learned to listen to his foreboding and not wait to take action. He thought he saw the gray wolf once, but it did not stay and the black stallion never did come back. He found that comforting, for it must mean Kannak was safe…at least for now.

But Laird Stefan Macgregor had a thing on his mind he could not dismiss. So one evening, he gathered his clan and proclaimed an edict.

For all the women he said, "Heretofore, no lass will be betrothed to a lad she dinna want."

For his father and his grandmother's sake, he said, "Heretofore, any lad who forces a lass shall be put to death."

And for Jirvel and Kannak, he said, "Heretofore, any lad who lays hand on a lass, a laddie or a lassie out of anger, or drunkenness, or spite, shall also be put to death."


Therefore, the edict was handed down to all the sons Kannak gave her husband, and from them, it continued to pass from generation to generation.

~ the end ~

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