They were almost around the bend when Stefan suddenly halted his horse. "William?"

William stopped, turned his horse around and went back. "What is it?"

"I must see Macoran alone afore I let anyone know I am alive." William started to protest, but Stefan put up a hand to stop him. "Go to Macoran and bring him back without his guard."

"What should I tell him?"

"I dinna know…tell him ye've a surprise for him only."


William hesitated, but the look on Stefan's face assured him it was serious, so he turned his horse and rode off.

Stefan guided the dapple gray into the trees and dismounted. He prayed his suspicions were wrong but feared they were not. If he was right, only Macoran would know who to trust and what to do.

It seemed like it was taking forever for William to come back and he ran his hand through his hair repeatedly. Finally he heard horses, peeked around a tree, made sure it was William with Macoran and then stepped out.

Macoran slowed and cautiously approached the man wearing a Limond kilt, until at last he saw the face of the tall, muscular man wearing it. Instantly, his eyes lit up and he quickly got down off his horse. "Stefan? Ye are not dead? We had nearly given up hope."

"Nay, I am not dead but there be danger still. Come and I will explain it." He led them into the forest and waited until all three were standing close together. "My snatching was planned."

"What? By whom?" Macoran asked.


Macoran spat on the ground. "Those blackguards! I'll see they…"

"Ye dinna know who it was?"

"Kannak was so frightened she could not remember the colors o' the lads who chased her. Ye were on Limond land and…"

"Limond be my grandfather."

Macoran was so shocked he had to lean against a tree for support. "Good heavens, that is bad news."

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