He jerked her shirt over her head, flinging it across the room. His head lowered, and she could feel his breath against her skin.

Then his mouth was there. Teasing, sucking the flesh that ached for him.

Her ni**les tightened, straining into peaks. He licked her, swirling his tongue around first one nipple, then showing the same careful attention to the other.

Her fingers slid down his back, her nails lightly scraping his skin. She arched into his touch, pressing her hips against his.

«Why can't I get enough of you?” He whispered. “I need you. I hunger for you…” He kissed her again, his tongue thrusting deep.

His fingers were sliding down her pants and easing beneath the elastic of her underwear. He touched her lightly, his fingers stirring her hunger all the more.

She touched his nipple with her tongue, feeling it tighten instantly. She licked him, flicking her tongue delicately over his sensitive skin. She heard him inhale sharply.

Then he jerked her panties down, tossing them out of the way.

«I can't wait,” he growled. “I'm sorry, I can't!” He tore off his jeans. She could see his arousal. Strong. Hot. Hard. No, he couldn't wait.

Neither could she.

She parted her thighs, moving eagerly to accommodate him. She could feel the tip of his erection pressing against her. She pushed her hips, rubbing against his heat.


He snarled and thrust deep.

Savannah gasped, pleasure biting into her. She could feel her climax already mounting, rushing toward her, and she wrapped her legs around him, her hips straining to meet the thrust of his. His mouth settled hungrily over her breast, licking, biting.

His fingers slid down into the curling thatch of hair at the juncture of her thighs. And he rubbed her, lightly. And he thrust. Hard.

She screamed, her release shattering her. Fire burned through her body, waves of ecstasy pouring through her blood.

William's arms clenched around her, holding her tightly. He thrust again. Deeper. Harder.

She could see the edge of his teeth. See the red flames in his eyes.


She felt the climax that ripped through him. And she shuddered, feeling a second wave of release push through her body.

They clung to one another, riding the crest of pleasure. She could feel his heart pounding against her, could feel the heat of his body burning her.

And, in that unguarded instant, she was closer to him than she'd ever been before. Bound by their psychic link, she was close enough to actually hear his thoughts.

Her breath caught. Pain lanced through her. She pushed against his shoulders, angrily shoving his body off hers. “You bastard! You're planning to leave me!»


I mourn for what might have been.

-Entry from the diary of Henry de Montfort,

December 31, 1068

«Savannah!” William tried to grab her, but she twisted away and jumped from the bed. Her body still ached from his touch. But her heart had been broken by his thoughts.

She wrapped a sheet around her body, her furious gaze locked on him. “I heard your thoughts! I know what you're going to do!»

Pain flashed across his face and he reached for her.

«No!” She jumped back, shaking her head furiously. “Don't touch me!” She would break apart if he did. Crumble into a thousand pieces. “Just get dressed.” She couldn't stand to stare at him, to see the incredible beauty of his body. It was like a slap in her face.

His jaw clenched, but he grabbed his pants and slid them on with a quick, rough movement. “You don't understand—»

«What's to understand?” She felt like a fool. An utter fool. “You wanted one more round of sex before you kicked me out of your life. I think I understand that pretty well.” She wanted to cry, to scream with the pain of betrayal tearing through her. They had been through so much together. So much. How could he do this to her?

He closed his eyes. His jaw clenched. “I knew I should have left before you woke. But I needed you too much.” A sad smile twisted his lips. “I wanted to see you. To see your eyes, your smile, just once more.»

Just once more.

The words flashed through her, sending a wave of unease through her heart.

She was missing something. Something was happening that she didn't understand. She tried to read his thoughts again, to uncover his feelings, but she came up against a brick wall. A wall that shut her out completely.

She walked toward him, her gaze narrow and intent. She knew he was aware of her approach, but he didn't move.


He opened his eyes and stared down at her, looking sad.

«We had a bargain,” she whispered.

His hands fisted. “I never should have forced you into that agreement. I never should have—»

Forced her? Savannah frowned. “What are you talking about? You didn't force me to do anything.” And he hadn't. She'd entered into their bargain because she'd wanted to. Because she'd wanted him.

«Yes, I did.” He swallowed, and she could have sworn that for an instant, he actually looked haunted. “I said I wouldn't help you hunt Geoffrey unless you agreed to my demands. That I wouldn't transform you unless you became my mate.»

«You told me that I would have to stay with you forever,” she whispered.

«You don't.” He took a deep breath. “Geoffrey is dead. You don't have to worry about him ever again. You can have your life back. You can go anywhere you want. Do anything you want. You can start fresh. Begin a new life.»

«Without you.” The thought was horrifying.

He nodded.

She didn't understand. “You want me to leave you?»

He didn't answer. He stared at her, his eyes blacker than the night.

«Why?” She had to know. She had to know why he was suddenly pushing her away.

Moments passed in silence. She didn't think he was going to answer. That he was just going to continue staring at her.

«Because you deserve more,” he said, and she could hear the agony in his voice.

Her heart stopped beating.


«You deserve happiness. Freedom. You've been through hell because of my brother.” He hesitated, and then said, “Because of me.»

Because of him? “William, if it hadn't been for you, I would be dead now! I would be in a cemetery somewhere with just Mary mourning my passing.” Didn't he understand? He'd given her life back to her!

«Geoffrey took your life away. I forced you to change—»

She grabbed his arms, making him focus his attention on her. “I was dying, William. The doctors were wrong. I didn't have six months. If you hadn't changed me when you did, I would be dead.” She shook her head. “I wanted you to change me. I begged you to do it.»

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