«But why? Why would he attack you?” William shook his head. “You were the only one he ever seemed to care about!»

«He cared for power, for strength. But he didn't care for me. He didn't care for anyone.” Bleak words that rang with the harsh sound of truth.

«What happened after the attack?” Savannah asked, never moving the stake.

«I held on. I knew that William was coming. He'd given his word. William always keeps his word.»

Yes, he did, Savannah thought. He'd promised her vengeance, and he'd kept his promise, even though the vow had almost cost William his life.

«I remember seeing you,” he said, his gaze fixed on William's face. “You came to the tower. You told me to fight, to hold on. But then I heard the soldiers…” He took a deep breath. “I saw them surround you. There were at least a dozen of them. I tried to help. Believe me, I tried! But I was weak, too weak. And one of them ran me through with his sword.»

His story matched exactly with William's. Savannah slowly lowered the stake.

«The next thing I remember was waking up in the cave. I don't know how much time had passed. It could have been days or even weeks. I didn't know how I'd gotten there. I didn't know if you were alive or dead.»

«I wouldn't have left you there if I'd known!” William's eyes blazed. “I stayed in that cave with you for hours, praying for you to wake. But you didn't move. I thought I'd waited too long, that the transformation hadn't worked.” Softer, “That I'd killed you.»

«No, brother. You didn't kill me. You saved me.»

She could feel William's pain. Hear it in his voice as he said, “You were alone. You had to learn to survive on your own.»


Henry lifted one brow. “As you did.»

«I was supposed to protect you,” William whispered. “But I just left you—»

«No!” He took a step forward. “Do you think I don't know what you did? You went to the vampire to save my life. You knew what would happen to you when you went to him. You knew the price you'd pay. But you did it anyway. You traded your life for mine.»

«I couldn't just stand by and let Guy torture you.” William's hands clenched.

«You always protected me, William. Even when we were small lads, I knew I could always count on you.»

«I left you alone,” William groaned. “For nine hundred years…»

«I've been searching for you,” Henry admitted. “I didn't know for certain that you were alive. My last memory was seeing you surrounded by those guards. I didn't know if they killed you, or if you'd survived. I hoped that you'd survived. And I held on to that hope for many dark nights.»

«I left Normandy,” William admitted. “I wanted to get away from all of the blood and death that seemed to surround me.»

He'd wanted to get away from his past, Savannah realized. He'd wanted a fresh start, a new life. “But Geoffrey followed you and he started killing,” Savannah said. “And you realized that you couldn't get away from him.»

«No. I could never get away from Geoffrey. So I started hunting him. I wanted the nightmare to end. I wanted the murders to stop.” He shook his head sadly. “But he always eluded me.»

And left a trail of blood for William to follow.

«I hunted him, too.” Henry admitted. “He'd attacked me. I wanted him to pay. So when I saw him on the cliffs…” His eyes flashed red. “I wanted to kill him. To make him pay for everything that he'd done to me. For every innocent life that he'd taken. For every life that he'd destroyed.»

«It's over now.” Savannah dropped the stake to the ground and locked her fingers with William's. “He can't hurt us anymore. He can't hurt anyone.” The nightmare had finally ended.

The two men stared at each other. Both were tall, strong and, Savannah sensed, afraid. They had both suffered so much pain, so much tragedy. It was time to heal the wounds of the past. It was time for a new beginning.

She kept her right hand locked around William's. Her left hand reached out to Henry. “My name is Savannah Daniels. It is a pleasure to meet you, Henry de Montfort.»

He blinked, staring down at her hand. His fingers lifted slowly, clasping lightly around hers.

She smiled. “I feel as if I already know you,” she murmured.

He frowned.

«I read your diary.” She looked back at William. “Actually, it was your diary that led me to William.” She could still remember how frightened she'd been on her way to that first meeting. But then she'd seen William. “So I guess you could say that I am in your debt.»

«No. You brought my brother back to me. It is I who owe you.»

«I can't believe—” William stopped, and then he stepped forward, embracing Henry.

Savannah felt her eyes well with tears at the sight. William had been alone for so very long. Walking the earth endlessly. Always alone.

He would never be alone again.

«It's been too long,” Henry said.

William stepped back. “Yes.»

«I'm sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do.” Nine hundred years worth, Savannah thought. Maybe she should give them some privacy.

No. Stay with me.

She rubbed William's arm lightly. “Is there someplace that we can go? Someplace where we can talk?»

Henry spoke quickly. “I have a cottage nearby. It's safe. We could go there.»

William nodded.

«Show us the way,” Savannah murmured.

* * * *

«So, is she your mate?»

William pulled his gaze from the crackling fire and stared at his brother.


It still didn't seem real. Henry was alive. He looked the same. The same blond hair. The same laughing blue eyes. The same slow smile.

But William could feel the differences in his brother. He could feel the echoes of pain. Of rage. He could also feel Henry's strength. His power.

Henry didn't need anyone to protect him now.

«No,” Henry murmured, reading his thoughts. “I can protect myself.” His lips curved slightly, revealing the tips of his fangs. “But you didn't answer my question, brother. Is she your mate?»

Savannah had slipped from the room moments before. She'd sensed the rising sun and had gone to prepare for the sleep that would come.

Like William's home in the mountains, the cottage was equipped with a series of underground rooms and tunnels. Henry had asked them to stay and sleep in one of the many rooms.

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