William had managed to sit up. Blood still poured from his wound, and fire burned in his gaze. He began to stand.

Geoffrey met his stare, his eyes narrowing at his brother's increasing strength. “How—»

Savannah's hands shifted, becoming claws. She knew she couldn't hold the shape long, but a second was all she needed. She plunged her claws into his chest.

Geoffrey screamed. His claws slashed against her, catching her along the throat and chest. Pain lanced through her. She wanted to scream, to howl at the agony coursing through her.

Her claws disappeared, and she stumbled away from him and fell to the ground. From the corner of her eye, she saw Guy's sword. She crawled toward it. If she could just get it—

Geoffrey stared in shock at the blood that poured down his chest. “You bitch!” He snarled. “You're going to beg me to kill you!»

He lunged for her.

Savannah's fingers curled around the handle of the sword. And when Geoffrey grabbed her, she swung, slamming the blade into his side.

The blade sliced deep into his skin, tearing flesh and sending blood pouring down his body.

He twisted away from her and grabbed the blade with his bare hands. The steel bit into his palms, cutting deeply into his flesh.

Savannah strained, fighting to control the blade. If she could just hit him again—


She saw William, moving slowly, his face a mask of pain.

Geoffrey jerked the blade from her hand. In one motion, he yanked her forward, spinning her against his chest and locking his bloody fingers around her throat. He faced William with Savannah held tightly against him.

«I'm going to make you beg for death,” he whispered into her ear.

In their struggle, the sword had fallen to the ground. But Savannah knew Geoffrey wouldn't need the sword to kill her.

«Let her go!” William's hands clenched.

«No!” Geoffrey's gaze narrowed as it swept over William, over the already healing wound in his chest. “She helped you, didn't she? The bitch gave you her blood!»

William just stared at him, his gaze redder than the fires of hell.

«Well, then I think it's only fair that she helps me, too.” He sank his teeth into her throat, ripping her flesh.

Savannah screamed and kicked against him, catching Geoffrey in his shins.

William lunged forward and jerked her from Geoffrey's grasp. He slammed into Geoffrey, and his brother fell to the ground. William grabbed the sword and crouched over him.

Geoffrey panted, his gaze locked on William. William placed the tip of the sword against his throat.

Geoffrey smiled. “Are you going to cut off my head, now, brother?»

William's jaw clenched. “Yes.»

«You're going to kill me, as you killed Henry?»

William lifted the sword, preparing to deliver the final death blow. “I didn't kill Henry!»

Geoffrey's smile widened. “I know. I did.»


Geoffrey twisted, kicking out with his right foot. The blow caught William in his midsection, and he jerked, slashing down with the weapon. But it was too late.

Geoffrey rolled away, and the blade slammed into the earth. His brother jumped to his feet, licking his lips. “Her blood is strong,” he murmured. “I can already feel my power returning. I think I'll have to have more of her.»

«Never.” William pulled the blade free and aimed the weapon at Geoffrey. “What did you do? What did you do to Henry?»

«After I killed Guy, I found Henry. He was in the tower.” Geoffrey shook his head. “It was really too easy, you know. The fool thought I was there to help him.»

«You're the one,” William whispered. “You're the one who left him to die.»

«He was weak. He was always weak. He didn't deserve the de Montfort name! And neither did you!»

A wolf howled in the darkness. The howl was long, mournful, and full of rage.

Geoffrey blinked. “What—»

A large gray wolf sprang out of the night and launched its powerful body at Geoffrey. Its fangs slashed him, biting deep into his shoulders, his arms, his chest.

William stared down at the beast, stunned. He tried to touch the creature's mind, but found only a world of pain, rage, and hate.

He moved back, hurrying to Savannah's side. She was still, her body limp on the earth. He pulled her into his arms, cradling her softly. The wound at her throat bled sluggishly. He touched it gently. “Savannah?»

Her lashes lifted, and she stared up at him with dazed green eyes. “William, what—” Her eyes widened as she heard the snarl of a wolf.

He pulled Savannah to her feet. “I don't know, Savannah. I don't know where the hell he came from.” His gaze drifted over her. “Are you all right?»

She nodded, her gaze locked on Geoffrey and the wolf. As she watched, Geoffrey's claws flashed, cutting deeply into the wolf's side. The animal howled in pain. “We've got to help it!»

Geoffrey shoved the animal away from him and staggered to his feet. The wolf shuddered and collapsed upon the ground.

«Enough of this!” Geoffrey's arms lifted and he began to chant. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed across the night sky. “I have the dark powers, brother! Me, not you! And I will use them to kill you!»

A ball of fire formed over Geoffrey's head. “Tell me this, brother … are you afraid to die?” The flames flew toward William.

«No!” Savannah screamed and launched herself at William. Her body slammed into his and they rolled across the earth. Savannah felt the kiss of the flames lance over her skin.

«Savannah!” William rolled, checking her body quickly.

She took a deep breath. “I'm all right.»

Another ball of flame began to form above Geoffrey. “I won't miss this time,” he promised.

William rose to his feet. Savannah stood beside him. “Neither will I,” he vowed. And, before Savannah's stunned gaze, a ball of fire began to form in his hand.

«H-how—” Geoffrey shook his head, disbelief etched onto the lines of his face. “Y-you can't! I-I'm the only one who—»

William threw the flame, and it slammed into Geoffrey's chest, knocking him to the ground. He was close to the cliff's edge. Just a few more feet, and he would have fallen into the night.

«With age, comes power.” William's red gaze was locked on his brother. “You're not the only one who studied the dark arts.” He picked up the sword and walked slowly forward. “Now, brother,” he spat. “Tell me, are you afraid to die?»

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