With a wave of his hand, the door to Savannah's room flew open and he carried her inside. She was still unconscious, a result of the strong compulsion he'd given her. In repose, her features looked incredibly fragile. And incredibly lovely.

Her body felt good in his arms. Warm. Alive.

It had been years, too many years, since he'd felt the warmth of a woman against him. His body stirred with needs that he'd long thought dead.

Quickly, before he could change his mind, he placed her on the small bed. The springs squeaked softly as they took her weight.

For a moment, he hesitated, staring down at her. She looked so good. So pure. Why would one such as she coming looking for him?

He shook his head. It didn't matter. When she woke, she would have no memory of him.

But he would remember her.

He turned from the bed, from her, and forced himself to survey the room. Henry's diary was here. It had to be in the room.

He spotted her luggage sticking out of a small closet. He took a step toward it.

On the bed, Savannah stirred. She moaned and her thick lashes lifted.

William spun around in shock. Impossible! She couldn't be waking. She couldn't—


«William?” Her voice was thick, husky. It sent a shaft of desire burning though him.

He stared at her in wonder. She remembered him. She'd woken on her own, despite the compulsion, and she remembered him.

Impossible. How could she—

She licked her lips. Her head lifted and she met this gaze. “I remember you.” She shook her head in confusion. “I thought you said I would forget.»

She should have forgotten. Never before had someone resisted his compulsion.

She looked around the room. Her gaze fell on a small framed picture on the bedside table. A smiling man with dark hair and emerald eyes looked back at her.

A faint sheen of tears filled her eyes. “I still remember everything. Everything.»

William sat down beside her on the bed. He cocked his head and studied her. “I was wrong. You're not like the others.” He placed his hands on either side of her head.

Savannah felt a strange pressure. It was like she could feel him, from inside her mind. “Wh-what are you doing?»

He frowned and dropped his hands. “Your mind … it's different.»

She bit her lip. Sadness filled her. “I'm more different than you can possibly know.” Her hand reached for his.

William froze.

«I need you to help me. Please.»

His gaze remained locked on her hand. “I've already told you, I can't.»

«You must help me.»


«Because you're the only one who can.»

The faint light from the rising sun flickered through the window. William stood abruptly. “I have to go.

«William, I—»

«Meet me at midnight,” he surprised her by saying. “At Jake's.»

«Jake's?” Savannah had arrived in town just before sunset. She'd only had time to rent a room before heading off in search of William Dark.

«It's a bar on Miller Street. Just follow the sound of the music.»

She nodded. “I'll be there.” She looked nervously toward the window. “Is it safe for you to—»

He was gone. Just that fast, he'd vanished.

Savannah searched her room, but she could find no trace of him. He'd disappeared. Into thin air.

She walked slowly toward the bed. She couldn't believe that she'd done it. After all of those months of planning, she'd finally done it.

She sat down and reached for the picture. As always, the sight of her brother caused her chest to tighten with grief. “Soon, Mark. I promise. You'll have your vengeance. Soon.»

She gently put the frame back in its place, and with hands that trembled, she opened the nightstand drawer. She took out a small, unmarked plastic bottle.

She shook the bottle and two pills spilled into her palm.

She stared at the innocuous looking white pills. The doctors had prescribed them for her months ago. They were supposed to help her. Not make her better, for nothing could do that. But they were supposed to keep the pain away. And they did. Sometimes. Sometimes they completely stopped the pain. And sometimes they didn't do a damn thing.

Of course, they never stopped the nightmares. She didn't think anything could stop them.

* * * *

He sat in the darkest corner of the bar, his back against the hard black wall, and he waited for her.

He ignored the crowd around him. The dancing. The laughter. It held no interest for him. The people in the bar, with their tight clothing and desperate eyes, didn't affect him.

But she did.

The moment that she stepped inside the dim bar, he felt her. In every inch of his body, he felt her.

And he hungered.

She wore a short black skirt that fell to mid-thigh. Her glorious legs immediately captured his attention. They were long and slender. Delicately muscled.

Her matching top dipped daringly low, revealing more than a hint of her cle**age. Her firm br**sts pressed enticingly against her shirt's front, and he realized that he could see her ni**les.

Every muscle in his body tightened. Strained. Hungered.

He was aware that others noticed her, too. Several men turned to watch her as she slowly made her way through the crowded bar. One fool even reached out and placed his hand upon her shoulder.

William studied the man carefully, memorizing his features. The fellow would pay for that careless touch.

Savannah smiled at the man, and William saw her murmur softly to him. The hand fell away from her body, and she once again began walking toward him.

William rose and went to meet her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him.

«What do you think you are doing?” His voice was a low growl.

She lifted one delicate auburn brow. “Meeting you?»

His eyes narrowed. “Why are you dressed like that?»

«We're at a bar,” she reminded him, a small smile playing around the corners of her mouth. “I wanted to fit in.»

She wouldn't fit in. A woman like her would always stand out from the crowd. “Well, you're not fitting in. You're attracting more attention than we want.” He hated the way the other men stared at her. He hated their lust-filled gazes.

And he hated even more that his own stare was filled with the same crazed need.

He steered her toward his waiting booth. At least the shadows would protect her from some of the prying eyes. Coming to Jake's had obviously been a mistake.

When she sat down, he followed her, moving his body close to hers.

Savannah reached into her bag and pulled out a brown package. “Here.»

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