William reached down and pulled the knife from his chest. “I know.” He swallowed. He didn't have a wooden stake. That left only one other way to kill a vampire.

Geoffrey's smile faded as he read William's intent. “You cannot—” He coughed, choking on his blood.

«I will do what I must.” William's hands shook as he thought of the grim task before him.

«I … am … the Butcher … not you.»

William closed his eyes. Could he do it? Could he kill his own brother?

Geoffrey seemed to sense his thoughts."You … killed … Henry. Are … you … going … to kill … me … as … well?»

William's eyes flashed open and he stared down at Geoffrey's prone figure. For an instant, a shattering second, he saw Henry's face. Henry's bright blue eyes staring back at him. He could see Henry's sadness. See the plea on his brother's face.

And he hesitated.

Geoffrey attacked. He shot to his feet in a blur of speed. He ripped the knife from his chest and plunged it into William's heart.

William felt the cold touch of death upon his cheek.

Geoffrey touched him lightly with a bloodstained finger. “Tell me, brother,” he whispered, leaning close to stare into William's eyes. “Are you afraid to die?»


William's body fell to the ground.

* * * *

William shook his head slowly, trying to shake off the weight of his past. “The sun started to rise then. He left me, knowing that I'd die when the sunlight touched my body. He laughed, and he left me there. He left me there to die.»

«How did you survive?” She asked softly.

William glanced at Savannah. She'd sat quietly while he spoke. Her legs were curled beneath her, and her hands were linked tightly together.

She looked so beautiful. So good. He didn't deserve her.

«William?” Her brows furrowed. “Is something wrong?»

He swallowed and forced himself to look away from the understanding and concern he could see so clearly in her emerald eyes. “No,” he stopped, cleared his throat and repeated. “No, nothing's wrong.»

«How did you survive?” She asked again. He could feel her gaze upon him, its weight like a physical touch upon his skin.

«I didn't have much strength. I'd lost too much blood. But I knew that I couldn't just stay there. That I couldn't wait for the sun to rise and finish me.” No, he hadn't been able to just lie there and wait for death. He'd known that he had to survive. He'd known that he had to stop Geoffrey.

«The cave was close. I knew if I could just get in the cave, I would be safe. I would be able to rest until sunset. I managed to get to my feet, and I grabbed Henry's arms. I pulled him with me and I made it into the cave.” He shook his head. “It was close. Too close. My skin had already started to burn.” He could still smell the stench of burning flesh.

«And when you woke at sunset?»

His lips twisted. “I said good-bye to Henry, and I started hunting Geoffrey.” And he'd been hunting him for nine hundred years.

«When you find Geoffrey, what are you going to do?»

William sat on the edge of the bed. His gaze met hers. “I'm going to kill him.” The words were a vow. This time, he wouldn't fail.

A small frown line appeared on her forehead. “Even though he's your brother?»

«Henry was my brother. He died a long time ago. Geoffrey…” He took a deep breath. “Geoffrey is evil. He lives to hurt others. To torture them. If there was ever any goodness inside of him, it died a long time ago.” Her fingers stroked his arm. He stared down at her hand. It looked so fragile, so delicate. He lifted his fingers, capturing her hand. “Savannah, I'll go after him. I'll make certain that he never hurts another person, I swear I will.»

«No.” She shook her head, but made no attempt to withdraw her fingers from his hold. “You're not going after him alone. We're doing this together. Remember the bargain—»

«Screw the bargain!” William exploded. “I am not going to let him get near you. He's too strong. If he killed you—” He broke off. He shuddered at the thought of Savannah's death. No. No, it couldn't happen. He couldn't let his brother get anywhere near her. He would protect her.

«You can't protect me from everything,” she said, her gaze watchful. “There are things in this world that I must face on my own.»

«You don't have to face him!” William snapped.

Her gaze was steady. “Yes, I do.»

His hands clenched. He could read the determination so clearly in her voice. “If he hurts you—»

«He's not going to get the chance,” she promised. “You and I are going to stop him.»

He knew that she wasn't going to give up. She wouldn't let him go alone. He would have to make certain that she was safe. And he would stop his brother. Or die trying.

He leaned forward and kissed her. Hard. Deep. He needed to taste her, to feel her lips against his.

She responded immediately, her tongue thrusting against his and a low moan rumbling in her throat.

He wanted to lay her down. To strip the clothes from her perfect body and sink into her. To join with her. To lose himself in her warmth.

But his brother was out there. Stalking the night. Hunting.

And he had to be stopped.

With a fierce effort of will, he pulled away from Savannah. Her eyes were deep, mysterious pools. She stared at him, waiting.

He took a deep breath, bringing his rampaging body back under control. Now wasn't the time. Later, they would be together. They would have forever.

He stood and with a wave of his hand he sent the balcony doors crashing open.

«Come, Savannah. It's time we hunt.” They would find their prey. They would find Geoffrey.

And destroy him.

* * * *

He sensed his brother the moment he rose. He could feel William's anger. His rage.

Geoffrey smiled. His brother was losing control. Good. His emotions made him weak, vulnerable.

Easy prey.

And he could feel the women. Savannah. Her mind was strong. He could sense her anger. Her fear.

He loved it when his victims feared him. Fear tasted so good, so sweet.

He knew they were coming for him. Fools. They actually thought they could defeat him. Didn't they know the power he held?

They would find out. Yes, they would find out very soon. It was time to set his trap.

And time for them to die.


Death is coming for me.

-Entry from the diary of Henry de Montfort,

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