She felt the scrape of his teeth against his throat. At the same moment, a fiery burst of pain seemed to explode inside of her mind. She burned, her mind a whirlpool of twisting agony.

A ball of light flashed before her eyes. And then she saw only darkness.

She didn't feel his teeth as they sank into her throat. She didn't feel her throbbing wrist, or the aching of her bruised and battered limbs.

All of the pain had vanished, disappearing into the enveloping darkness.

Her body fell limp, hanging weakly in Geoffrey's arms.

And just as she slipped into the waiting abyss, she heard her brother's voice. She head Mark call her name.

* * * *

«Savannah!” William burst into the parking garage, fear nearly overwhelming him. With every second that passed, he could feel Savannah slipping away from him. He'd felt her the moment he'd reached Seattle. Felt the waves of pain and fear that enveloped her.

Felt the cool touch of death wrapping around her.

Savannah didn't have much time. Her body was rebelling against her, refusing to continue fighting.

When he ran into the garage, he could feel his brother. He felt the sick, twisted rage that clung to Geoffrey like a cloak.


But, like a light being switched off, he could no longer feel Savannah. Not her warmth. Not her spirit. Not even a flicker of the pain that seemed to haunt her so.

He simply could not feel her. And that terrified him.

The scent of blood teased his nostrils. The faint smell of lavender tormented his soul.

He saw Geoffrey, his arms wrapped around Savannah, his mouth feeding at her throat.

William snarled in rage, launching himself at his brother.

Geoffrey whirled, sensing the attack. He dropped Savannah's body to the ground and leapt at William.

They met, eyes red and teeth flashing, in a tangle of limbs and hatred. Geoffrey's claws ripped William's skin, tearing open his chest and leaving a bloody, gaping wound.

William's fingernails lengthened into razor sharp claws, and he slashed out, catching Geoffrey in the shoulder. Blood slid down his brother's arm, dripping from his hand.

«Hello, brother,” Geoffrey whispered. “It's been too long.” He struck out with his claws, aiming for William's exposed throat. William caught his hands in a steely grip. He clenched his teeth, and forced his brother's claws back.

He saw Savannah from the corner of his eye. She wasn't moving. Her body lay still and pale over a pool of blood.

«What have you done?” He snarled, sending Geoffrey flying back against the hood of a car. «What have you done?»

Geoffrey jumped from the car, landing easily on his feet. He licked his lips, catching the blood that still lingered upon him with his tongue. “I had a taste of your lover,” he said, his lips twisted into an unholy smile.

The beast within William screamed, howled in rage. He attacked. He slammed into Geoffrey, pummeling him, over and over. His claws slashed him, leaving deep cuts all over his brother's body. His head. His chest.

Geoffrey lashed out with his foot, kicking William in the stomach. The blow sent William crashing onto the concrete.

He jumped up immediately and flew at his brother. His vision had narrowed. All he saw was Geoffrey. He was going to kill his brother. Now.

Savannah moaned, the sound soft, barely a whisper.

William froze.

Geoffrey slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Geoffrey lifted his hand, and William realized his brother was holding a wooden stake, and it was hovering two inches over his heart.

Geoffrey's smile widened. “Are you afraid to die, brother?»

William's hand snapped out, faster than a striking snake, and he ripped the stake out of his brother's grasp. He kicked up, sending Geoffrey crashing back. Geoffrey slammed into a truck, denting the side.

William jumped to his feet, the stake clutched tightly in his fist. He advanced on Geoffrey, watching coldly as his brother stumbled to his feet.

Geoffrey's breathing came hard and fast. His face was tense, drawn from the battle and his increasing blood loss.

His gaze shifted frantically around the garage. And then he smiled, his angel's smile. “Do you hear that, brother? Do you hear that sound?»

William froze, becoming aware of a faint, slow beat.

Geoffrey licked his lips. “It's her heart. It's struggling to beat. Hear it?»

He did hear it. It was slow. Too slow.

«She's not going to make it. Your lover is dying.” Geoffrey pressed his hand against his shoulder, trying to staunch the flow of blood.

William glanced at Geoffrey and then at Savannah. He could hear her heart laboring desperately.

«What's it going to be, brother?” Geoffrey asked. “Her life … or mine?»

William turned toward Savannah, and Geoffrey attacked. He slammed into William's back. The stake fell from his grasp and clattered across the floor.

William swung back, throwing Geoffrey off him with a powerful swipe. He strained, struggling to hear the sound of Savannah's heartbeat. He almost fell to his knees as realization dawned. He didn't hear the beating anymore.

«Savannah!” He ran to her and slipped his hands beneath her, cradling her body against his. Her head fell back, like a broken flower.

«It's too late!” Geoffrey snarled, pushing to his knees. “She's dead!” Geoffrey smiled. “But don't worry, brother, I'll see to it that you join her … soon.” His brother stumbled to his feet and then ran for the door, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. As William watched in helpless fury, his brother's body shifted, becoming mist, and he vanished.

William turned to Savannah, desperation sweeping through him. It couldn't be too late. He couldn't, wouldn't, lose her.

He cradled her in his arms, pulling her tightly against his chest. Her head slipped back, revealing her bruised and bloodied throat. He touched the marks gently, with hands that shook. The wounds were deep, too deep.

«Savannah,” his voice was a whisper of sound. “Savannah, come back to me. Open your eyes and come back to me!»

She didn't move.

He began to rock her back and forth, as if she were a child. “Open your eyes, Savannah. Open your eyes!” He commanded, pleaded.

No response.

Fear burned through him. It was too much like last time. Too much like Henry. He'd held his brother, praying for him to live, only to watch him die.

He sent his mind out, freeing it to search for hers. He would find her spirit and force her to come back to him. He caught the faint flicker of her warmth, and he followed her, stalking her like the hunter he'd once been.

Pain slammed through his mind. Deep. Fiery. All-consuming. It was her pain. Her agony. And he knew that her death was seconds away.

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