«I'll have a lot to learn, won't I?»

«I'll teach you. I'll teach you everything that you need to know.” And he would. He would make certain that Savannah fully understand her new powers. He pushed his chair back, stood, and walked toward a heavy metal door on the far side of the room. He pulled a large, silver key out of his pocket and inserted it into the lock.

Savannah moved to stand behind him. “What's in there?»

«Your first lesson.»

Savannah stepped forward, only to come up short at the sight of a long, winding staircase. She peered down, trying to see the bottom. She saw nothing but darkness. “What's down there?»

«Why don't you go down and find out?” His words challenged her, and his hands pushed gently against the small of her back.

She didn't like the sound of that. She began to climb slowly down the stairs. They creaked beneath her, the sound strangely like a woman's moan.

She could feel William behind her—feel the warmth of his body, the kiss of his breath against her hair. She felt so acutely attuned to him that she could swear that she even heard his heart beating.

The stairs ended in front of another large, metal door. She glanced over her shoulder. She didn't know if she wanted to see this. Her stomach clenched as dread grew heavy within her.

William handed her the silver key. “Go on, Savannah,” he urged. “Open the door.»

Feeling like Pandora, she hesitantly inserted the key into the lock and heard a soft click as the key slid into place. Her palms were sweaty as she turned the knob and pushed the door open.


She walked slowly over the threshold and into a long, twisting tunnel. The tunnel was lit by a series of small lights.

She didn't ask William any questions. She just walked, wondering what would be waiting for her at the end of the tunnel.

In moments, she had her answer. Another door. Wooden this time, not metal. There was no lock upon its old, scarred surface. She pushed it open, not waiting for William. A deep curiosity was beginning to burn inside her. What would she find in the room? A coffin? She closed her eyes for a moment, and then she stepped inside.

At first, she saw only darkness. Then, in a flash, a dozen white candles lit, illuminating the room.

And then she saw a large, Victorian bed like the one in her room. The covers were rumpled, as if someone had recently risen. She swallowed, pulling her eyes from the bed and forcing her gaze to travel over the rest of the room. There was a bookshelf in the back corner. It was stuffed with an assortment of books—hardbacks, paperbacks, classics and contemporary thrillers. The jackets were well-worn, the spines creased as if they'd all been read often.

Two chairs sat near the bookshelf. They were old-fashioned, high-backed chairs. A small table sat between them, and a lamp rested on top of its carved surface.

There was no sign of a coffin, and she let out a small sign of relief.

«So, this is where you sleep during the day?” It wasn't what she'd expected. The room, with its soft lighting and inviting bed, was cozy and welcoming. Not at all what she'd expected of William. Not what she'd expected of a vampire.

He shut the door, and the sound seemed to echo through the underground tunnels.

«Yes,” he said. “I'm safe down here. The sun can't touch me, and the doors keep my enemies out.»

She thought of the long tunnels and the curving stairs. “We're inside the mountain, aren't we?»

He nodded. “It took me years to build this place.»

«You built it?” She was impressed. For one man to have done so much work…

«I needed a safe place to rest,” he said with a small shrug. “So I did what had to be done.»

She couldn't believe it. To dig inside the mountain. One man. “How is it possible? How could—»

He laughed. “Ah, Savannah. Already you forget. I have the strength of ten mortal men. And I can move and work, ten times faster than an average human. It wasn't hard for me to build this place. In fact, I've created over a dozen similar safe houses all around the world.»

The strength of ten mortal men. She shook her head, dazed. “I didn't realize you were so strong.” The words sounded silly to her ears, but they were the truth. She hadn't fully understood the true extent of William's power. Each time he'd touched her, he'd been gentle, considerate. She hadn't realized he could literally crush her bones if he chose to do so.

The physical strength is only the beginning. His words whispered through her mind, yet he did not say a word.

She stilled. How could—

We're linked, Savannah. Joined in a way that few can ever truly understand. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll be with you. In you.

She felt his touch upon her, a light stroke against her brow. Yet he stood a good ten feet away from her.

When he spoke, his voice was clear and his words were frightening. “I can do just about anything. My mind is incredibly strong.»

«You can move objects,” she said, thinking of all the open doors and his vanishing clothes. “You can read minds. Control minds.»


That kind of power stunned her. “How is that possible?»

«The gifts come with the dark kiss.” He held his hand up, silently urging her to come to him.

Savannah took a step back. “You said before that you couldn't control me.” She vividly remembered their encounter in her hotel room. “But that was before the second exchange.»

His expression never altered.

«I know you can get inside my mind. You've proven that. But can you control my thoughts?” Fear almost choked her. She couldn't stand being under someone else's control.

His hand dropped back to his side. He stood in front of the bed, staring across at her. She could actually feel the heat of his touch. “I don't know,” he said. “I haven't tried to control you again.” He frowned, apparently concentrating intently.

«What? What is it?” Her heart seemed to freeze.

He shook his head. “No good. I told you before, your mind is different.»

«You can't control me?” Could he hear the hope in her voice?

«If I could, you'd be standing in front of me right now, naked and begging me to make love to you.»

She blinked.

«Since you haven't moved, I'm going to have to assume that my attempt to bend you to my will failed.” The words were light, but his stare was that of a hungry predator. “So I guess I'll just have to try another method of persuasion.»

She was stunned. Surely he didn't mean … “You want to make love to me? Now?” Her heart began to pound. A moment ago, she'd been afraid. Now, with just a look, a heated glance, need slammed through her.

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