The water bubbled around them.

He kissed her smooth skin.

For the first time in over nine hundred years, he felt at peace. And it was because of her.

She lifted her hand, brushing it lightly through his wet hair.

He moved, shifting his body up. He captured her hand within his. His vision was strong. Even in the starlight, he could see the two red lines that marred her palm. He pulled her hand toward his mouth, licking the lines with gentle care.

She stared at him, her gaze direct, searching. She was his mate. This woman with the emerald eyes and sad mouth. She was his. And he would protect her with his life.

He withdrew slowly from her body, hating the separation from her warmth, but knowing that she needed time to rest. He had plans for her. And he had to make certain that she kept her strength. After all, it was going to be a long night.

* * * *

«I spoke to her today.” Jack didn't bother to identify himself. He knew that his employer would recognize his voice.

«And what did Ms. Daniels have to say?” The voice was cultured, slightly accented.

Jack had never been able to pinpoint the accent. Sometimes it sounded English. Sometimes French. He could never be certain. “She didn't believe me, said William wasn't the killer.»


«But he is.” His employer's tone never changed. He spoke calmly, politely. “She must be made to see that. William Dark is a killer.»

Jack took a deep breath. He knew his boss wasn't going to like this next bit of news, but he had to tell him. “She went to William.»


Jack glanced quickly around his small hotel room. It was a floor below Savannah's. All the furniture was the same. Small, sagging bed. Old color television that only picked up five channels. Scratched dresser and desk.

He was really getting tired of staying in places like this. Getting tired of chasing people that didn't want to be caught.

«I didn't hear you, Jack. Tell me again. What did Ms. Daniels do?»

Jack sighed and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. “She went to him. I followed her. She left a little after dusk and took a cab up to his place.” She'd also taken a small duffel bag, so he knew that she planned to stay the night with William. She planned to stay, even though Jack had warned her away. “Dammit! I thought she'd have more sense. I thought she'd understand. That bastard killed her brother.»

«Some people just don't know what's good for them.»

That was the truth. Savannah Daniels had put her life in danger, but she didn't seem to care. She'd stood before him, stubbornly declaring William's innocence. She'd ignored Jack's evidence, trusting completely in a man he knew to be a killer.

«Do you want me to keep following her?” Jack asked, trying to rub out the tension in his neck.

«Actually, I think I'll handle Ms. Daniels from now on.»

Jack frowned. He suddenly went on high alert. Handle her? What did he mean by that? “What are you talking about?»

«No need for you to worry, Jack. I'll keep an eye on Ms. Daniels from now on.»

For some reason, those calm words sent a chill skating down Jack's spine. “But I'm here. In Tyler. I can keep an eye out, make certain she's safe—»

«Your job's finished, Jack. Go back home. Go back to that cute little school teacher that's waiting on you.»

Jack's fingers tightened around the receiver. How had he known about Kelly?

His employer continued talking, his voice as smooth as silk. “Don't worry, Jack. I promise you, I'll take special care of Ms. Daniels.»

The line went dead, and Jack suddenly realized that he had just a made a terrible, terrible mistake.

A mistake that might just cost an innocent woman her life.


William is my only hope, my last salvation.

-Entry from the diary of Henry de Montfort,

December 2, 1068

William took Savannah back upstairs just before dawn. He cradled her gently against his chest, holding her like the precious gift that she was. And he thought of the passion they'd shared…

He'd held her through the night. He'd heard her sweet moans, felt the clenching of her muscles that signaled her climax. He'd held her, heard her choked cry when she'd come beneath him. Heard her cry his name. He'd made love to her countless times. And every moment, he'd had to fight the beast inside, to fight the urge to take more of her precious blood. But she wasn't ready for the final exchange yet. He would have to wait.

He stared down at her sleeping face. She was so beautiful. She had no idea of the power that she already wielded. She could get him to do anything she wanted with but a crook of her slender finger.

He knew it was dangerous to let her get so close. She would make him weak, vulnerable. And he couldn't afford to be vulnerable, not with Geoffrey hunting.

He placed her gently onto her bed, pulling the covers over her naked body. She didn't stir. He'd worn her out. He knew he should have restrained himself, but his need, his desire for her, had been too strong. And each time he'd reached for her, she'd met him with equal passion.

He stroked her cheek. She was his weakness. He knew that, and he would have to guard her well.

He kissed her lips, a light, whisper touch. He wouldn't let Geoffrey touch her, not even in her dreams. He would stand guard for her, making certain that her sleep was peaceful.

After all, she was his mate. His.

He walked slowly down the stairs and into the great room, almost as if he'd been drawn there. He stood at the threshold, staring at Henry's diary. He moved silently across the room and lifted his hands to pick up the diary, but then he stopped. He couldn't do it. Not yet. He couldn't read Henry's words, see his brother's last thoughts.

He was responsible for his brother's death. His brother's blood would always be on his hands.

He clenched his fists. No, his hands couldn't touch the diary. Couldn't open its precious pages. Not yet. He closed his eyes and saw his brother's face.

Forgive me, Henry.

* * * *

Savannah awoke, alone. She squinted, her eyes slowly adjusting to the sunlight that streamed through the glass doors of the balcony.

She glanced around the expansive room, recognizing the furnishings. She knew this room. She'd been there yesterday. William had brought her there after he'd taken her blood in that horrible alley.


She stretched slowly, feeling small aches all over her body.

She'd never known that lovemaking would feel that way. So intense. So consuming. She'd expected to enjoy being with William, but she hadn't expected for the pleasure to literally overwhelm her.

She blushed as she remembered the things they'd done. The things she'd done. And she knew that she couldn't wait to see him again. To once more feel the magic of his touch. It wasn't about the bargain. It was about him.

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