Savannah aimed the gun straight at his heart. She'd learned to shoot long ago, back when she'd been a carefree girl. Long before illness had ravaged her body and her mind. Her father had taught her, and she remembered well the lessons she'd learned. Besides, as close as she was to him, there was no way she could possibly miss.

«What do you want?” Her voice was cool.

He gulped, his gaze locked on the gun. “Look, just put that thing down—»

A small smile twisted her lips. “I don't think so, Mr. Donovan. Now, who hired you?»

A sheen of perspiration appeared on his forehead. “I can't tell you that.»

She cocked the hammer of the gun. “That's not the answer I was hoping to hear.»

His eyes widened. “I can't tell you, okay? Part of my contract with my client was that I would keep his identity completely secret.»

«How do I know that you're even a real detective?” Savannah mused. She was a bit surprised at herself. She'd never actually held anyone at gunpoint before. She thought she was doing a pretty good job of it.

His hands began to lower.

«Ah-ah! Keep your hands up!” She couldn't risk him pulling a weapon on her.

«I'm just going to get my ID, okay? I'm just going to reach into my back pocket—»


Her body stiffened, going instantly to high alert.

Jack moved slowly. Inch by careful inch, he removed his wallet. He flipped it open and held it up for her to examine. “My detective's license is in here.»

She squinted, trying in vain to read the small card. “Throw it to me.»

His mouth tightened, but he threw the wallet across the room. It landed at her feet.

She carefully bent and picked up the wallet, scanning the ID. “This could be fake.»

«It isn't.»

«Why were you hired to follow me?»

«It seems that both you and my employer share a common enemy.” His gaze was hooded, watchful.

Her stomach clenched. She put the safety back on the gun, but she did not lower the weapon. Her palms were starting to sweat. “What do you mean?»

«I know you're after your brother's killer.»

Savannah said nothing, neither confirming nor denying his words.

«My employer's brother was killed, too,” Jack said softly, his gaze watching her, waiting for her response.

Savannah lowered her gun. “How was he killed?»

«Can't you guess?” He waited a beat and then said, “All of the blood was drained from his body.»

Savannah swallowed. The fingers of her left hand lifted and rubbed lightly against the two small marks on her neck. Jake frowned at the gesture, and Savannah dropped her hand instantly, swinging her hair forward to cover the wounds. “And your … employer … how did he find out about me?»

«He read about your brother in the paper, about the way he died. And he knew the same killer had committed both crimes.»

«But how did he find out about me?” Savannah repeated her question, her tone fierce.

«He did some research, and he hired me.” Jack shrugged. “Your name was mentioned in a few of the newspaper clippings that I found. Once I knew your name, it wasn't hard to track you.»

«How do you know that I am going after the killer?” How could a stranger have known her plans? She'd only confided her intentions to her closest friends.

He blinked, as if surprised by her question. “I knew that you were going after him because you came here.»


«You came to Tyler. You came to the killer's town. That's how I knew what you were planning.»

She stared blankly at him.

«Didn't you know?” he asked softly. Then he swore at the expression on her face. “Hell, you had no idea! You were just stumbling around in the dark.»

What was he talking about? The killer wasn't in Tyler. She would know. She would feel him. “You're wrong. You—»

«You've been to his house, lady,” he snapped. “You've been to the bastard's house!»

She shook her head. He was wrong. It wasn't—

«William Dark. He murdered your brother. He's the killer!»


The evil lives, even in my dreams.

-Entry from the diary of Henry de Montfort,

November 15, 1068

«You're wrong,” Savannah said instantly. “William's not the killer.»

«Yes, he is.” Jack was adamant. “I'm sorry, but he's the one who murdered your brother.” His gaze was filled with quiet pity.

Savannah clenched her jaw. “I know William. He wouldn't—»

«He was in Washington at the time of your brother's murder.” Jack's words stunned her into silence. “Did you know that, Ms. Daniels?»

No, she hadn't known. But she'd be damned if she'd admit that fact to this stranger. “It's a free country. A man can travel wherever he wants.»

«True. But William Dark was also in Panama City when my client's brother was killed. And he was in Atlanta when a young prostitute was rushed to the hospital. She was suffering from severe blood loss.” He shook his head. “The EMTs thought she'd die before they could get her to the emergency room. But she made it. Barely. And she was able to give a description of her attacker to the police.»

Savannah's heart thudded dully. “What … what did she say the man looked like?»

Jack never took his eyes off her as he recited the description. “A male, approximately six foot two, one hundred and ninety pounds. He was in his late twenties. He had long black hair that he kept pulled back at the nape of his neck. Sound familiar?»

Savannah refused to answer him.

Jack continued, “She couldn't remember exactly what happened to her during the attack. The last thing she saw was the man. He grabbed her, and then everything went black.»

Savannah swallowed. “You think that man was William?»

«No.” Jack shook his head once. “I know it was him. He fits the description perfectly. And he was in each city at the time of the attacks. He's the one that the police are after. I know it's him!»

«You don't know anything,” Savannah whispered, glancing down at the gun she still clutched in her right hand. “Now, I want you to leave.»

«Lady, are you listening to me? He's a killer!” He took a step toward her.

Her head snapped up. “No,” she said clearly. “He's not.” Savannah unlocked the door and stepped to the side. “Like I said, it's time for you to leave.»

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