“Ha!” I shouted as we left the park. “Thanks, BOOB!”

“Three still are chasing,” said J.Lo.

They were each small, maybe the size of a city bus, if city buses were shaped like hamburgers. Otherwise, each was different. One had a beard of hoses like the big ships, and a tiny bubble hatch on top. Another had fins and little nubs sticking out every which way. The third had something like fenders with big headlights and a long hose in the back like a tail. And they were all gaining on us.

“They’re faster than we are,” I said, steering onto a crumbling turnpike. “Way to build a floating car, J.Lo!”

“Press the button,” he said.

“What? What button?”

The little Boov speeders were close now. Something like an enormous plastic claw was unfolding from underneath the ship in front.

“The button. The button withto the snake on it.”

“There’s no button with a snake—”

“Neversmind,” said J.Lo. “I do it.”

He pushed in the cigarette lighter, and Slushious took off like a maniac. I was pressed hard into my seat, and Pig rolled screeching into the back. If I’m not mistaken, there was pink flame belching out of the tailpipe at this point.


“What is this?” I shouted, barely able to move my face. “Why didn’t you tell me about it before?”

“Is for emergencities. Is not a toy.”

We were putting some serious distance between Slushious and the Boov patrol.

“I didn’t say it was a toy!”

“The button will either to give thirty seconds of wicked fastness,” said J.Lo, “or blow us up.”

I stared at him.


Just then the car backfired once, twice. Thick blue smoke streamed from our exhaust like tail feathers.

“Aaaah! You stupid Boov!”

“No, it is okay. It is fine. We are only to running out of the superfuel.”

It was true. The car was gradually slowing. Through a grainy haze I could still see the patrol behind us.

“Maybe I can lose them in this smoke,” I said, and took the next exit ramp. I whipped Slushious halfway around and pulled beneath the overpass. But it was no good. Two of the three speeders appeared behind us again.

We sailed through the city streets, and here at least we had some edge. The Boov vehicles were bigger and harder to maneuver in close quarters. I could keep them at bay, but I couldn’t shake them. And it had been a long time since we’d cloned some gas.

“This is bad,” I said. “If you weren’t in the car with me I’d be shot dead already.”

“No! It is okay!” J.Lo said, hopping in his seat as he watched the speeders. “They are backing off!”

A glance at the mirror told me it was true. But there was something else, something shimmering in the air between us.

“What is that?” I asked. “It’s like glitter.”

We both figured it out at the same time.

“Bluzzers!” said J.Lo.

“Bees!” I said. And probably the exploding kind, too. They were gaining fast; the swarm of shining specks was very nearly on us.

“What do we do? Is there…is there something in your toolbox?”

J.Lo was ashen. “There is nothing,” he said.

The Bees were so close they were all I could see in the mirror. Surely one had already touched down on the roof.

“Wait,” I said. “Aspirin!”


“Aspirin!” I said again, holding out my palm.

“Is your head to hurting, or—”

“Oh! I mean…one of those…forget it! Take the wheel!”

I was already in the backseat, with the car fishtailing wildly, before J.Lo did as I asked. He hopped into the driver’s seat as I rummaged through his toolbox. Then I found one of the little white things at the bottom.

“Whatfor are you—”

“Keep it steady,” I said, and rolled down the back window. The wind batted furiously as I pulled myself half out of the car, facing backward. It was stronger than I expected, and I scratched at the door frame for a better grip while the drove of Bees stared at me with a thousand tiny eyes.

Three of them were already perched on the top of the car, skittering forward, looking for some working part to destroy. The dense mass of followers were not far behind, but I realized I had to wait for the right moment. I had to wait until I could get them all.

“What are you to doing?” said J.Lo, his voice faint and wispy to my ears.

“Keep it steady!”

And then the moment came. There were two, three dozen on the car, with a hundred more about to land, and I threw the aspirin. And the instant it left my hand I knew I’d made a mistake: there was no way I could throw something so small in so great a gale and expect to hit what I wanted. I was aiming for the top of the car, in the center of the swarm, but the pill turned and soared crazily in the air, and just as I thought it was lost, it struck a single Bee with a tiny tink.

A fat ball of icy foam erupted outward from that single Bee, expanding its orbit until every one was trapped inside. They hissed and sputtered as their hot little bodies wiggled like live anchovies in a big scoop of the worst ice cream ever. Then the wiggling stopped, and I struck at the ball with my fist. The cold hurt my hand, but the foam unstuck from the roof of the car and hurled itself to the street. I pulled myself back inside.

“Ha-ha!” said J.Lo. “Clever little human!”

I felt good, and dizzy. I crawled back up to the front.

“How are we doing?” I said.

“Hm. Not so good. We are running out of city.”

He was right. The roads were getting wider and the buildings smaller. The Boov ships would regain their lost ground soon. I looked backward, into the rising sun, and saw their silhouettes grow larger. I racked my brain to think of a new plan, but I was out of tricks.

“Gratuity,” said J.Lo, but I wasn’t paying attention. I was watching in disbelief as the Boov seemed to come to an abrupt stop. They seemed to turn and fly away.


“They’re leaving!” I cheered. “They’ve had enough!”

I noticed Slushious was slowing down, so I looked at J.Lo, and then I looked where he was looking.

We had passed all the buildings and skyscrapers, and now it was the only thing you noticed: there was an immense purple planetary sphere in the air, like a pimple on the nose of the sky. Just looking at it felt like losing.

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