“Must be charity season,” he muttered, almost under his breath.

She stared at him, a blatant invitation for him to continue, but he didn’t. Finally she gave up and switched tactics. “Want a drink?

“Sure,” he said, his friendlier tone surprising her. “Water would be great.”

Of course it would. There was no way a guy that ripped could share her iced coffee addiction, though she offered him one anyway, and he declined. She poured him a glass of water out of a gallon jug she kept in the fridge and handed it over, then helped herself to the coffee. His puzzled gaze lingered on her refrigerator after she closed the door, leading her to think he’d noticed her coffee stash. Might be a bit excessive, but a girl had to be prepared.

With a slight shake of his head, he focused on her. “So he thinks he can pressure you because your mom is on the committee of some charity?”

“I think that’s an opening, but he’s using my father’s business deal as leverage. I don’t have the first clue what’s going on between them, but they’re both investors, and I don’t think either one is going to turn down a profit because I won’t go to the gala with Boyd in two weeks.” She rolled her eyes. “My mom, on the other hand—”

“Two weeks? What’s Boyd’s last name?”

“Von Adler.”

Ethan laughed. It was beautiful. She wasn’t above staring. But still… “What’s so funny?”

“Von Adler Rainforest Initiative?”

“That’s correct,” she said slowly, “but still not amusing.”


“My mom is also on the gala committee,” he said. “My whole family is involved. You’ve probably met most of them.”

“I actually avoid the meetings,” she confessed. “My mom is a real piece of work. She has it in her mind that I’m going to give up my career aspirations and devote my every waking hour playing socialite as Boyd’s wife.”

Ethan’s face twisted as if he’d smelled something terrible.

“I know,” she agreed. “It’s stupid, but in their elitist world, marriages between families still affect alliances and broker business deals.” She took a breath, guilt stabbing her from the inside out. “I stopped letting her dictate my life a long time ago, but she lays it on pretty thick. I don’t necessarily believe her life and social standing will be ruined because I refuse to marry Boyd, but I believe she believes it.”

He lifted his hands in mock surrender. “I’m not going to judge. I assure you, your mother hasn’t cornered the market on guilt. And before you let yours get to you, keep in mind she should be less worried about her standing than your happiness.”

She sat back, warmed by his perspective. “So how well do you know Boyd Von Snootington?” she asked.

Ethan choked on his water and came up laughing. “Not at all personally, but his reputation precedes him. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have gone out with him, either.”

Rue almost smiled. “I wish he’d ask you, because I’ve yet to come up with a version of ‘no’ he can actually comprehend. Apparently, my mom has given the impression I’m desperate to go out with him, so he probably thinks I’m playing hard to get. To be honest, I don’t think he hears the word no all that often.”

“My mom is one of those people who can always find something good in anyone, and I’m under the impression even she doesn’t think much of him.”


“She hasn’t said anything about him,” Ethan added quickly. “She just doesn’t seem to like to say his name.”

“I can relate to that. He’s a stereotypical spoiled rich kid with entitlement issues. He thinks he’s going to take over that charity, but I wonder if he cares one bit about the cause. I believe he’s more interested in having another reason to flaunt his last name.”

“He’s probably in the wrong place to do it. New Yorkers aren’t easily impressed.”

“You’d think he’d know that, being the epitome of the New York elite, or so he thinks.” She toyed with her iced coffee. “You know, I feel a lot better now. I’ve never had anyone on my side where he’s concerned. My mom is pushing, hard, and I’ve not really mentioned it to any of my friends, but the couple who know what’s going on say I should absolutely go for it. Apparently, they’d be willing to put up with a creep if he’s loaded.”

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