But that didn’t mean he wanted to think too much about it. Not now. “Your accent,” he said. “If you were born and raised in New York, where did you get that accent?”

She snorted. “My mother sent me to a speech class that promised to eradicate all traces of regionalism. It’s supposed to make a person sound polished and professional, like a newscaster.”

“I’m not sure it worked. I thought I caught a hint of the south in your voice.”

She looked up at him. He thought about kissing her, then he thought about how soon that choice would be taken from him.

Oblivious to his thoughts, she grinned and said, “You did. It wasn’t part of the class. I just adopted it to drive my mother crazy. Needless to say, she doesn’t find it the epitome of sophistication.”

He snorted. “I’m really glad you’re on my side.”

Like it mattered. Like she wouldn’t drive him crazy either way.

But some of her happy, carefree demeanor had slipped. “I don’t have a lot of patience—let alone respect—for anyone who can’t accept me for who I am. I’m sorry she’ll be upset, but I’m fulfilling every commitment I made to her, at least in terms of this charity, but probably not the one she says I made when I was two and promised I’d never leave her. People might think I’m crazy, but between the two of us, I think I’m the rational one. And speaking of that, I know tomorrow is Sunday, but I promised I’d help out at the shelter bright and early, so I really need to get home.”

He probably should have argued, but he didn’t need a retake of waking up with her, the countdown to her departure echoing around them. He hated the tick of that clock, but he needed the reminder that they’d be over soon. That no matter how amazing the sex or how much he wanted her, he didn’t have to over think where they were going.

They weren’t going anywhere.

She had dreams to chase, and not one of them would come true in his bed.


The simple truth of that was what made him free. He didn’t have to worry about losing her because she would never be his to begin with. But he didn’t have to let her go just yet. “I’ll drive you,” he said.

A brief shadow touched her eyes, and for a moment, he thought she looked troubled. Then the flash of uncertainly was gone, and she smiled, a touch of mischief lighting her face. “That would be great.”

Sure it was. After she’d said a heartfelt good-bye to Shaggy and climbed into his truck, she didn’t stay put on her side. Instead, she scooted to the middle of the bench and managed to find the seatbelt he figured was hopelessly crammed in the seat crack. While he eased out into traffic, she massaged him through his jeans and traced the line of his jaw with soft, closed lips.


Apparently she had to risk her life on the road, too. Not that he let himself get that distracted. He’d protect her, fiercely, until she walked away from him.

And he’d want her, fiercely, long after that.

The ride became an unspoken battle for control, and while he knew he could hold it together going down the road, he had to fight hard not to pull over and give in. Then she bit his ear, and while it was playful, it was game fucking over.

“I’m guessing you’re entirely aware of what you’re doing to me,” he muttered.

“Not much farther now,” she said, like she didn’t practically have his dick in her hand. Like his GPS wasn’t already telling him the remaining distance, down to the foot and the minute.

“Do I have your permission to retaliate for all of this when we get to your place?” he growled.

“I’m counting on it,” she said, in a voice so damned sexy it almost broke him on the spot. But he let it drop until she’d unlocked her front door and pushed it open.

Then he kissed her.

Against the wall, his fingers coursing her hair, his body hard against her every gorgeous curve. Her eyes widened, and for a moment she just stared at him, then the moment passed and she drew him in, clutching his shirt and feeding him soft whimpers while he hauled her against him. He managed to kick the door shut and turn the lock, then he stumbled blindly through the house, his memory of the layout fuzzy, his ability to walk further complicated by the fact that he was too busy trying to tear through her clothes to worry himself with directions. Other than the part where he needed to know where her bed was.

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