“Thomas you came, I thought you wouldn’t come,” William- Kenneth runs towards him,” he hugged him. “Sorry I was late, but I am here now.” Let go I will introduce you to my mummy,” he held his hands and they walked to where the party was been held, Thomas was with a lady, he introduced the lady to her and William- Kenneth greeted her politely, he took both of them to see his mother, “Mummy, Iwant you to meet Thomas,” William- Kenneth introduced him to his mother as soon as they got to where she was sitting. She was sitting with Tracy and Derby and also Princess. “Hey Thomas we meet again,” Princess stated pleasantly, Vanessa raises up her head to see Thomas standing with an extended hand shake, Vanessa couldn’t believe it, she collapses and that caused the people sitting next to her panicked, Derby and Tracy tried calling for help to take her inside but they also got shocked when they saw Thomas, they were confused and very stunned that they couldn’t move, Fredrick arrived at the scene to help Vanessa up but also stopped in his tracks, the children were worried and scared that something was wrong with their mother, they begin to cry. Vanessa was taken inside and her doctor was called, everybody’s attention was on Vanessa. Thomas and his guest stayed aside for the family to take care of the unconscious woman, Fredrick went over to Thomas and asked if he could have a word with him, Thomas agreed to talk to him. They went outside so they could talk more quietly without any disturbance. “Tell me something what is your name?” Fredrick asked, “My name is Thomas Ohene,” he replied. “Well Mr. Thomas, I am called Fredrick and I know you are wondering why the lady fainted after seeing you, I am also very stunned to see you, we all are,” he pauses to see if he Thomas understood, he continue when he realized he was really paying attention. “Mr. Thomas …” Thomas interrupted him, “Just call meThomas,” “Yes, Thomas like I was saying can you tell me a bit about yourself, I mean don’t get offended, it just that you look like someone we all know, I now understand why William- Kenneth calls you daddy, you look like their father and also the woman that just passed out was his wife but he died on his way to the hospital,” “I understand you, well like I said my name is Thomas Ohene at least that’s what I was told by my fiancée,” “What do you mean by that?” Fredrick cuts in, “She told me I was involved in a car accident and lost my memory, all I know is what she tells me,” he told him, “Really, don’t you think that is strange, didn’t you find out for yourself who you were and about your past,” Fredrick asked “Yes I know but if I ask her to take me to my relatives, all she tells me is that I was an orphan but I have no relatives, I also told her take me see my friends but she always said she never liked my friends she doesn’t want them to negatively influence my life again,” “Did she tell you whether you guys were dating before the accident?” Fredrick questioned, “Well she said before the accident, and I don’t even understand a thing, if you don’t mind can I see the woman who just fainted?” Thomas requested, “Yes sure let go, they went inside, the doctor was with her in the bedroom and the rest were outside waiting for any information from the doctor, the doctor came out later and told them she was alright but she needed a lot of rest, he also said she hasn’t have a good sleep since she is always crying and overtaking pills to help her sleep, he also said she shouldn’t be left alone but people should always be around her to prevent her from thinking a lot, you may not know this but she always blame herself for the death of her husband and she can’t bring herself to accepting her husband is dead. The doctor advices them some more before he left, Thomas asked if he could speak with the woman, the doctor agreed and he went in alone to see Vanessa, when he got there, she was still in the bed and her eyes were shut, he turned to leave but Vanessa called him out, “Don’t leave me please don’t go again, please come and sit here,” she said amidst tears, “Please don’t cry the doctor said we shouldn’t make you feel sad,” Thomas had compassion for the woman. Looking at the woman made him feel strange, he has never met her before but it was like he has known him for a very long time the same feeling he felt for the children earlier. “How are you feeling? I didn’t want this to happen, I only came here because I wanted to make Willy and Van happy, I don’t know but I feel something specialfor them, I really liked them,” he smiled at her, Vanessa knew immediately that her son was right, it was his father. She looked at him carefully, she remember when they first gave themselves to each other, she saw a mark on his chest, she asked him what the mark was and he told her it was his birthmark he got from his father, and that his father’s was on his wrist, he showed him the picture which was always in his pocket and after the completion of the investigations she was given his personal stuff they found at the crime scene and the wallet was part, she thought, “If she could made him show this birthmark then he might really be her husband,” she smiled at him and he smiled back, she wanted to see the mark without him knowing about it, she goes closer to him and kisses him on the lips, he didn’t understand, he wanted to stop kissing her but he couldn’t, he felt the need to kiss her back then she tried removing his shirt on him, she saw the mark on his left breast, it was him, she smiled and hugged him, Fredrick walked in on them, he was surprise but kept what he has noticed to himself, Thomas dressed up and excused himself, “It him,” Vanessa just stated, “I knew it, he told me his fiancée said he had an accident and lost his memory but I knew she was lying, I saw how she felt uneasy around us especially when you collapsed, she looked worried that was why I called him aside to ask him questions, apparently he doesn’t even know anything about himself and when he insisted to know more his fiancée prevented him from finding out with lame excuses.” He stated. They talked for her while until her children joined her in bed. She put them to sleep and tried getting some sleep herself but she couldn’t, thinking of how she has lost her husband and now he has come back to her, she dreamt of the moment she will be in his arms again.

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