“Why do you call him daddy?” Princess asked the excited boy, “Because he is our daddy, I have a picture of him in my room, when we go home, I will show it to you, “I don’t really know Saric but how can Saric be Thomas, is it that the boy is confused, I have never met him before but I have once seen a photograph of him,” she thought, they drove home in silence after the conversation, they arrived home to a busy arrangement of the party, “Why did you bring them home this early? You know he shouldn’t know there is a party been thrown for him,” Vanessa reminded her cousin, “I know Vanessa but your son already knows about the party and not only that, he invited someone also,” she let out her concern, “There is nothing wrong to invite someone but your face does not seem alright, what is the problem?” she asked the worried woman with concern “He called the guy daddy, I saw himand her sister hugging the man, when I asked why he called him daddy, he said because he was their father the only difference was the name, I mean the guy was called Thomas and I know your late husband was Saric,” Vanessa stayed quiet, remembering her husband made her want to cry but she decided today was a happy day, her son was 5 and she wanted him to enjoy today. “He can invite anyone and call anyone daddy after all children call elderly men daddy so nothing is up,” she stated, “I know but …” Let forget about it and let prepare for tonight okay,” Princess nodded.

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