“Saric is back,” Vanessa calls Tracy and informs her, I can’t believe it, I am really afraid he might hurt me,” she was scared and Tracy understood because of the things she has been told and seen, even the lady that came to attack Saric at the office that day was one of Kenneth scheming plan,” she thought. “Do you still love him Vanessa?” Tracy asked the question and Vanessa was taken aback, she was shocked to the bone, “I told you he was back and you are asking me if I still love him, I don’t get you, have forgotten everything he has done?” she askedirritably. “How did you know he has come?” she asked the angry woman. “I don’t understand you at all Tracy, you and Derby specifically told me to stay away from him because he might try to kill me,” she began to cry, “Vanessa please go over to his place and have a talk with him, then call me,” “I don’t understand you at all, I called you to help me but you are really confusing me.” “Now tell me something Vanessa, if the situation was different, do you still love him? Don’t answer me just go, listen to only your heart, go and see him,” she hangs up and smiles to herself. Vanessa cancelled all her appointments and went over to see Saric, when she got there; the security man let her in, she went inside, she couldn’t find him anywhere, she then went inside his bedroom and finds him there, he looked different, his beard were un kept and not shaved, he was asleep, she sat over beside him and looked at him, she thought about the good times they shared together, when she was told he was a monster, she didn’t believe a thing she reluctantly listen to her friends and stayed away from him, she still loves him with all her heart, she smiled, picked up his hand and held on to it and caressed it gently. He woke up and turn to see Vanessa sitting next to him, he hugged her and they both cried, “I am not that monster they tell you I am” he said amidst tears, “Ever since we met, all I do is love you and want to be with you, anytime we achieve that then something or someone always comes in between, I love you.” He kissed her she kissed him back, they couldn’t control themselves, on a king size bed, a lot of emotions running wild and two people who have been in love since childhood. Both of them wanted this, they wanted to be in each other’s arm and now that they have all the time in the world they couldn’t resist it. They gave themselves to each other, Vanessa couldn’t believe it, she loved him very much and now she is his and he is hers, “What now,” she said shyly and looked away. She was naked in his arms and he was also naked, looking at him made her feel shy, “Now that I know you still love me, I am going to do everything to get you back,” he kissed her on the forehead. “I will ask Kenneth for a divorce but I don’t want him to take my son away from me,” she said worriedly, Saric sits up and Vanessa places her head on his chest, “Vanessa, the boy does not belong to him,” “I know but he is the father and he will not let me take him away. “You don’t understand anything Vanessa, your son is mine;” Vanessa sits up, “What you mean by that, I understand you will love him like a child but …”Saric cuts in, “What you are imagining is true, I am the biological father of your son,” Vanessa tries talking but Saric begged her to let her finish. “What am about to tell you should stay here until I am sure you are no more in danger, your husband Kenneth is not what you think is his, he has no manhood and I know you will think that is strange because you have a son together, if you could remember, he sent you to the hospital and told you he wanted you guys to have a checkup because it good for people to have their health checked every 3 months, this was exactly ayear after your marriage. I had regained consciousness from the coma two months earlier, I lived with Daniel and his father for a while, one Saturday I went out with Daniel and we met a friend of mine from Ghana his name was Nii, he told me all about your wedding with Kenneth. I couldn’t believe it so I left and returned to Ghana, the story was true you were married with Kenneth, later on I went to see Dora my sister and I told her everything about what happened. Dora was very happy because nothing happened to me but we couldn’t talk because she had a visitor, it was Kenneth. I didn’t want him to see me so I hid in the back where the bed was, I heard everything he told Dora, that he couldn’t have children because of an accident he suffered, his manhood was removed to save him from dying. Dora asked why he was here and he told Dora he will be bringing his wife over but he needs Dora to artificially inseminate her with someone else’s sperms so she could be pregnant, Dora couldn’t believe it, he asked if she was aware but he said no. he even told her he has never touched you but he always sedates your drink so you could sleep and not remember anything in the morning, Dora didn’t want to do it so he told her to think about, he left and I told Dora to accept it, I told her to use my sperms, she didn’t understand so I explained everything to her, later on she called him and they agreed and everything was done on you. You were drugged and the insemination was done on you. I left for the US when I found out you were pregnant, I was happy because you have my baby inside of you even though you didn’t know it.” Vanessa couldn’t believe what she has just heard, one moment she was very angry that Kenneth that she thought was an angel from God was actually evil and the other hand she was happy because her son was Saric’s. After spending some more time, she went into the bathroom to shower, Saric got a call and goes over to the table where his phone was to answer when he noticed blood on the bed sheets, he didn’t understand, at first he thought he or Vanessa was hurt but after checking himself he saw nothing on him so it might be Vanessa, he answered his call and talked to the caller, Vanessa comes out of the bathroom and goes over to Saric who was sitting in the sofa, she kisses him and caresses him, he was still on the phone they couldn’t stay without been in each other’s arms, he ended the call. “Honey, are you hurt, do you have a cut?” he asked worriedly, “No I am fine, why are you asking me that? He points to the blood on the bed, she goes over there and looks at it, she begins to cries, Saric became alarmed, “Why are you crying he sits beside her on the bed and hugs her, she puts her head on his chest, “Thank you very much, I have always wanted you to be the only man in my life, you know when I went on an honeymoon with my husband I mean Kenneth, I told him to give me time, we never made love while we were on honeymoon, he was understanding and loving and also caring but I never knew he did this to me, I am very happy that it was your sperms but imagine if it was a stranger’s sperms, I will love my son but I might never know his father,” she raised her head and looks into his eyes, she whispers I love you, he kisses her. “Honey, I don’tunderstand this, but if you are not hurt and I am not hurt either so how come there is blood on the bed?” he asked confusedly “You still don’t understand, right?” he nodded in agreement. “When you have not been with any man before and you do you bleed, you know what I mean, come on Saric for God’s sake you know what I mean, you watch movies and you know when virgins give themselves to a man for the first time blood comes out,” Vanessa didn’t know how to explain for the confused man to understand. “Wait, you mean you are a virgin?” he smiles, “I was, now I am not because we just, you know” he carries her and he begins to dance happily around with her and they laughed happily.

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