“Mrs. Vanessa, Mr. Saric is here to see you,” the secretary announced over phone, “Let him come in please,” she hangs up. Saric walks in on her busy with her computer, he greeted her and addressed her by Mrs., it surprised Vanessa but kept it to herself, he sits and he gives her a pad. “What you have here is the graphical representation of the goods to be shipped in a couple of weeks, I want you to see and approve it,” he went straight to the matter. “Well I see but please if you could explain a little further she requests. Saric moves over to her and he begins to explain everything to her step by step, accidentally their hands met at the same point and they begin to stare at each other, Saric tries to kiss her but she withdrawals and told him it was wrong, he apologizes and returns to his sit, Vanessa told him she has approved it, while she was going through the formalities, Kenneth walks in unannounced, he greets and both Saric and Vanessa turned round to see him. They were both amazed because they didn’t hear him come in, when he saw Saric his smile on his face faded. “What the hell is this man doing over here?” he questioned angrily, Vanessa was amazed at the way Kenneth stared at him with pure hate, she thought he might have found out she cheated on him with him. “Kenneth why are you shouting, this place is an office and besides what I am doing here is none of your business, now as you walked in you saw us busy with a contract so I am asking you to leave when I am done you can meet your beautiful wife who married a person like you without knowing who you really were.” Saric smiles, he points to the door, Kenneth tried to move over to him, “Come on, one step more Kenneth and you will regret ever crossing path with me, and oh I forgot I have to meet Miriam, excuse me,” Saric left. Kenneth was raged with fury. He was pacing all over the office, Vanessa was confused, “How could you Vanessa, How could you do this to me?” Vanessa panics, she thought, he has found out, “It is notwhat you think at all, I can explain, I dint mean to …” Kenneth cuts in “Don’t apologized honey; sorry I didn’t mean to accused you but that man is an evil man,” Vanessa was now more confused, why is he apologizing, I did him wrong and he is the one apologizing, what is going on here God, help me please.” He sits and asks Vanessa to come sit beside him which she did, he held her hands and kissed it, “Honey I promised never to let anyone know about this but seeing him here I am very scared for you,” “What is wrong Kenneth, I don’t understand anything going on here.” “Yes honey, Saric, I and his brother once lived in a fishing community, we were like brothers and we were very tight but because of greediness, he killed my friend’s father who was like his father at shore, he drowned the man so he could take the man’s properties. He kicked my friend and his family out on the streets and took everything the man owned, myfriend and his family all died mysterious on their farm while farming, the chief priest said their death was caused by the hands of a man. The villages chased him out of the village and that was the last time I heard of him, when you told me he was your fiancé and abandoning you after helping him, I knew he was after your father’s money, but now he is back to steal your inheritance and I know he will try to lie to you about something that happened to him,” Vanessa could not believe her hears, “Don’t you think you are exaggerating.” Vanessa found herself asking not wanting to believe what she just heard. “When he left for America, he got a job with one rich man with his two sons, he was involved in an accident with the eldest and miraculously he survived and the man’s son died. The man took him as his son but he killed his son and now he has been given the power to control the man’s wealth all of it. The man’s second son follows him like a dog because if he stands against him he will leave him penniless.” Vanessa was beside herself with pain, Saric isn’t like that she thought, “Promise me you will be careful around him, don’t drink anything and eat anything from him, when he invites or pretends to come and work with you just let you assistant manager take care of it,” she promised her husband, later on he took her for lunch,

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