“Mr. Saric you are needed by Miss. Vanessa in her office, Mr. Eise is with her and it an urgent meeting,” Vanessa’s secretary informed Saric. “Okay am on my way,” he simply replied. The secretary left and Saric joined both Miss. Vanessa and Mr. Eise. He greeted them and the meeting began, while the meeting was ongoing, Mr. Eise had a call so he excused himself and left them alone, he went outside, “When Mr. Eise told me to have this meeting alone with you, I told him you wouldn’t come if it was me,” Vanessa told him. “Why do you think like that Vanessa?” he asked surprised. “Please don’t act surprised, everybody keep asking me if there is a grudge between the two of us, and I keep saying no,” “Look Vanessa I promised to stay away from you and I love keeping my promises that I make.” Saric defends himself. Vanessa stands up and walks over to Saric’s sit. She bends down and looks at him in the eye; Saric was feeling a little uneasy. “What do you think you are doing Vanessa? Mr. Eise could walk in anytime,” he shifts uncomfortable on the chair. “And here I thought I couldn’t control myself when you are around me.” She draws closer to him and only a breath separated them. Just then they were lost in the moment, a knock on the door alerted them, Vanessa returns to her sit while Saric tries to relax from the nervousness he felt. Mr. Eise comes in with apologises and then the meeting resumed, they discussed for a while and it was agreed to that Saric and Vanessa should go through for further review before agreeing to anything. Vanessa promised to help him.

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