After my National service, my boss offered me a permanent job as the architect and my salary was raised to a double. I was given an apartment and a car. My family was very happy for me. I moved out of my family’s house and I relocated to my new apartment. Dora came almost every day to help me with the chores. She helped me design my house even though I did all the designs. I painted a lot of portraits and I used it to decorate my apartment. Dora was impressed with how the building looked. She always loved my paintings. I remembered how Mr. Nancy’s friends admire the paintings when they visited us. They even thought they were bought from Italy and Europe but when they learned that I painted it they were surprise. Any time Dora visited, she always admires my paintings

There was a party been organized by my company and I was invited. I didn’t want to go but Dora advised me to attend but it would be rude to decline the invitation. She even helped me pick a suit to wear. I took her advice and I attended. When I arrived at the venue, the place was fully packed with cars. It was very difficult for me to find a space to park the car but finally I was able to find a spot to park. When I highlighted from the car, I saw a lady who was speaking on a cell phone. She accidently dropped her keys and I went to get them for her. She noticed me and when I returned the keys to her she thanked me and then left. I watched as she disappeared into the night, I was stunned because I had never seen a beauty such as hers. She was very beautiful and familiar. I went inside. I met my boss and he introduced me to his friends. I stayed with him for a while and then I excused myself. I was feeling bored so I went outside to the pool. As I take notice of how elegant the pool was I saw her again. The lady I had met earlier. She was sitting on one of the pool’s chairs and was watching the water. I drew closer to her and I greeted her. She didn’t notice me as I greeted her. I softly tap her on the shoulders and she came around. When she saw me she smiled at me. That smile made me remember someone but I can’tfigure out who she was. She apologized for being absent minded and flashed another smile at me. I smiled back. I introduced myself as Saric but before she could tell me her name her friends came around. They asked her what she was doing here. She told them she needed some fresh air so she came out. One of them mentioned her name and while they were talking. I got to know she was called Vanessa. That name rings a bell to me but I can’t figure out how I know that name or put a face on that name. A lovely girl with a lovely name I just said to myself. When her friends saw me, they asked her who I was. Who is that hunk, one of them asked, wouldn’t you introduce him to us another added but before she could answer, I introduced myself to them. I took turns to shake their hands as they introduce themselves to me. I got to know that the one standing at the right of Vanessa was Tracy and the one standing at her left was Derby. Vanessa also introduced herself to me. We talked for a while. It was through our conversation that I got to know they had lived their life abroad. They left here at a very young age. While we were still talking, a gentleman walked in on us. The girls smiled at him, he came and kissed Vanessa on the cheeks. Later he was introduced to me as Stephen, Vanessa’s boyfriend. I finally understood, such beauty can’t be single at least she should have a lot of admirers including me. I felt envious of him to have such a beautiful girl as his girlfriend. They took leave of me and left but I remained for a while.

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