I traded for 2 years and I was 16 years at that time. I was able to rent a single room apartment where I stayed. Because of my height people thought I was older than my age. Where I had rented wasn’t a nice place but it was better than living in the streets. I saved money in a savings and loans microfinance company. I saved enough to buy me few brushes and painting boards so I could paint and sell them. I was able to paint about 5 portraits. I decided to display them in a week’s time. I went to work the following day. I felt the same wired feeling I felt when my adopted father died. I was shaken about it but I couldn’t explain what I was feeling. I was worried but I was the staying alone. I prayed and took the feeling out of my mind and went about my daily duties. I felt uneasy as the day rolled by, I kept praying.

After an afternoon of relaxation I returned to my work. I was carrying someone’s goods on my wheel barrow I bought after renting my room, even though it was old, it has helped me a lot. A tenant and my neighbor came running and shouting after me. When she met up with me she began to cry and she was saying something which I didn’t understand. The way she was behaving caused a crowd to gather around us. When she finally calm down, she told me my apartment was on fire. I didn’t let her end her sentence and I run all the way to my place. When I got there, it was a site to behold. Everything had been bent down. I couldn’t even take anything. All my hard work had been burned down by a hungry fire. I only sat on the ground and began to cry. I cried every tear I had in my eyes. A lot of people gathered around, some were trying to console me others just stood there and looked at me. The neighbors did everything to calm the fire but after succeeding it was only too late. What even added salt to injury was that it was only my apartment that the fire destroyed. None of my neighbor’s apartment was affected by the fire. I couldn’t take it anymore. Before I left my landlord asked me a few questions on how the fire would have started and I told her I don’t even understand myself because I didn’t use any electricity because I couldn’t afford it. I always eat roadside food because I don’t have cooking utensils. The only thing I had were a few clothes and my painting brushes and my painting. So as to how the fire started I had no idea. I didn’t want to talk anymore so I stood up and left, but before I left I took one look at my destroyed life I had managed to build after so much suffering. I decided to go for my money I had saved and use it to start life all over again. When I got to the saving and loan microfinance the building was closed. I was very surprised because it was not yet their closing time. I didn’t know what to do. I stood there for about 30 minutes, a gentleman who was passing by saw me standing there and he approached me. He asked me why I was standing here. I told him I came to withdraw my savings. When I told him that he just nodded his head and looked at me, he just said so you are one of them. I didn’t I understand the statement he made I told him. He explained to me that the savings and loans microfinance company has made away with 50,000,000Ghana cedis of peoples' money. When I heard that I collapsed. The man panicked and shouted for help. People came around and tried to revive me. A man suggested they pour water on me and they did just that and I regained consciousness. I couldn’t speak. The man kept asking me how I was feeling. Should he takes me to the hospital? I just stood up and I walked away. The man didn’t understand why I walked away. I don’t know how but all I know is I was at the riverside. I just wanted to end it. I began to walk to into the river. I thought ending about ending my mysteries. When I got to the middle of the water, I panicked. I became scared. I didn’t want to die. I was a coward I was afraid to take my own life. I run out of the river with a top speed.

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