“Time for what?” I asked roughly, my heart speeding like a fucking freight train as she slid off my lap and onto her knees.

She reached for my boxers and pulled them down, tossing them to the side along with her T-shirt. She slid between my legs and bent forward, though she paused, her mouth near my dick and my balls in her hands.

“It gives me time to thank you properly for giving me the most orgasms I’ve ever had in the space of twelve hours.”

I stared down at her helplessly because for the first time I realized just how much this girl meant to me. I knew in this moment that the line we’d crossed the night before wasn’t just a line. We’d hopped over a goddamn mountain and it was one I’d never climbed before. It involved giving and taking, and I had never really been one to give. Or at the very least, I hadn’t cared about giving.

But last night had been all about giving and I did everything in power—pulled out all the stops—to give her as much pleasure as I could. Not once did I expect anything more in return than the gift of spending the night with her.

And now here she was, giving back, staring up at me like a goddess.

Her lips closed over me and I groaned, sinking back into my chair. This wasn’t just about sex anymore, but, holy fuck, the sex was better than good.

It was mind blowing.

I closed my eyes and rode the wave and it was hours before I came down.

Chapter Twenty



Matt was gone when I got back to his loft. He’d left a note saying he was out for the day with some friends and that he’d text me later.

I loved my brother but I was happy for some alone time so I could digest the last twenty-four hours. Because without a doubt, the last twenty-four hours had been the most intense I’d ever had. And considering the fucked up status of many of my nights in the past…that was saying something.

Not that anything about what had just happened with Ben was fucked up. It was just the opposite. It had been crazy, tender, sensual, and light hearted. Ben Lancaster was as good in bed as he was on the ice. He was fearless and confident and all sorts of things happened inside me when he looked into my eyes.

And it was all that stuff that had me worried. I’d never been in love before. Oh, I’d had several infatuations—some had left me bruised and wounded for weeks—but none that had left a lasting impression on me.

I had a feeling that Ben Lancaster had just tattooed himself onto my soul and the thing about tattoos? They’re painful to remove.

So was this love? Or was I just infatuated? How the hell was I supposed to know the difference?

And if this was love what was I going to do about it? I knew I was no good for Ben and eventually he’d figure that out on his own. Once the hockey season started he’d be riding that damn shooting star again and there wasn’t room for me on it.

Fresh out of the shower, I scrubbed at the mist on the mirror and stared at my reflection. My eyes glistened and a flush stained my cheeks, one that wasn’t from the hot water either. I looked good. I looked healthy and happy and…

“Oh, Georgia. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?” I groaned.

I heard my cell phone ding and scooped it up from the table beside my bed. It was Kendall.

‘what the fuck, G. where are u’

I smiled. Leave it to Kendall to get right to the point in style. I scrolled through my messages and noticed that she’d sent more than a dozen texts. I paused and then answered.

‘going on a date’

She answered before I had time to grab clean underwear.

‘date? With hockey boy?’


‘u guys fuck yet?’

‘u have no class’

‘so u have?’

I shook my head and laughed. God, she was persistent. ‘yep’

‘does he have a big stick?’

‘u r an idiot.’

‘I know. Glad u r getting some’

I snorted and slipped into my bra. ‘ttyl’

‘I want deets 4 sure’, and then one last text, ‘about his big stick’

I tossed my cell and perused my closet, settling a black sleeveless golf shirt and a pair of black shorts that were a tad too short for golf, but whatever. My family had been members of The Greens golf club since I was a little kid and though I hadn’t golfed in a few years, my clubs were still there and as far as I knew, our membership was still valid.

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