When he’d asked me if I had shared the details of my illness with Ben, I’d stared at him in horror and shook my head. I couldn’t answer him because the fear inside me was that strong.

Ben would run. Any sane person would run.

Wouldn’t he?

Restless I slipped from Ben’s embrace and fell out of the bed. I was cold but my clothes were still in a damp pile on the floor beside the bed. I grabbed my cell phone out of the pocket in my skirt and then rummaged through his closet where I found a bright orange Flyers T-shirt. I slipped it over my head and then paused at the door.

Ben was sprawled face down across the bed now, the blankets rumpled around his waist though they were low enough that I could see the top half of his nicely rounded ass. His face was turned slightly and I could only see his profile, but damn he looked sweet with his messed up hair.

My phone vibrated startling me and I glanced down at it quickly, noting that it was nearly eleven. I knew it was late but I was surprised at just how late it was. Having sex with Ben had eaten up most of the evening and after three rounds of hot, orgasm filled lovin’ we’d fallen into an exhausted sleep.


I slipped out of Ben’s bedroom and fingered my phone. It was Matt. He was probably freaking out because I hadn’t talked to him all day and he had no idea where I was.

Padding through the darkened house I headed for the kitchen and answered.

“Where the hell are you?” His voice was harsh.

“Hello to you too.”


Okay, he was pissed.

“Do you know it’s nearly midnight? I’ve been going out of my fucking mind. Don’t you check your phone?”

Okay, he was more than pissed.


“Yes, I’m here, Matt. Sorry.”

“That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?”

Irritated at his tone I snapped back. “I said I was sorry. Time just kind of got away from me. You don’t have to worry. I’m good.”

“Well that’s good to know now. Dammit, Georgia I was ready to call Seamus. Or the police or even fucking Kendall.”

“Are you kidding me?” I sputtered, my throat tight. “What do you want me to say? I’m sorry I didn’t pick up my fucking phone. But Jesus, Matt, it’s not even midnight and I’m twenty years old. It’s not like I have to check in with you.”

“As long as you live with me you do. As long as I’m responsible for you, you fucking do.”

Silence followed his angry words and my throat closed even more. “Nice. Thanks for that.”

He swore and I could picture him running his hands through his blond hair and pacing through his loft. “G, I just…fuck, I was worried.” He paused the space between us filled up with empty static. He cleared his throat. “ Ben came around looking for you too.”

“I know.”

“Where are you?” he asked abruptly.

I winced, picking at the hem of my T-shirt. “I’m with Ben.”

“You’re with Ben.”


I tightened up, waiting for the blast that was going to come. Waiting for the condemnation, the anger or worse, the silent treatment. Instead I got a long sigh and I could picture him rumpling his messy blond hair.

“Are you coming home, Georgia?”

Surprised that he didn’t chew me out for sleeping with Ben, I didn’t answer right away. I gnawed on my bottom lip, hating how he’d intruded into my perfect little bubble.

Of course bubbles would burst and reality would set in, so why not now?


“I don’t think so, Matt. It’s late.”

Awkward silence fell between us and I wrapped my arms around my waist, suddenly cold as hell. “Look, Matt. I’m sorry. I know you probably think this is a bad idea but I…I can’t stay away from him and it’s not just me. I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”

I heard my brother exhale and hoped his disappointment wasn’t too much.

“Okay, I get it.” he said. “You’re both adults so it’s not like I can get in your shit and tell you what to do but G, just…I want you to be careful. I need for you to be careful. I almost lost you last year. I can’t…” His voice broke and I swallowed painfully, a lump the size of a basketball stuck in my throat.

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