The elevator slid to a halt and Ben grabbed my hand, yanking me after him as if we were late to an important meeting….or sex romp. He had the spare key Matt had given him in the door before I could even grope for mine in my purse.

And then we were inside and there was nothing to stop us from doing exactly what it is we both wanted to do.

My mouth was dry and I briefly thought that maybe I should have popped a breath mint, but there was no time because the thought had barely formed when Ben turned, his arms on either side of me, caging me against the wall.

Holy fuck and mother of Christ, but he looked hot.

His hair waved around the collar of his white button down shirt and it was all I could do not to bury my hands in the thick mess and bring his mouth down to mine. His dark chocolate eyes were hooded, and that amazing mouth of his was open, his breaths almost labored as he stared down at me.

For the longest time it seemed we just stared at each other and I jumped when he trailed a finger along my jaw and then slowly traced the shape of my mouth. He wore cologne, a subtle earthy scent that was just right.

And did I say how hot he looked?

I leaned my cheek into the palm of his hand and thought that right now, in this moment, my life was changing. Something was happening and whether it was going to be good or complicated or bad I didn’t know, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to let any of that stop me.

Since my release from Oak Run I’d felt half alive, as if there was something missing. I knew it was the crazy part and I also knew that it was for the best, but still, there were times when I missed the highs, though the lows…not so much.

And sadly, I’d given up hope that I could ever feel this way again. Excited. Terrified. Horny. Sexy. I thought that maybe the drugs I needed to control my condition coated everything in a dull, ordinary palette. It’s why I hadn’t been able to paint anything interesting. And for someone like me, a young woman still on the cusp of discovery, that was a shitty thought.

But now…now Ben was here and I was alive again.


“You’re driving me crazy, you know that right?” Ben whispered hoarsely.


His finger continued to tease, slowly moving back and forth across my bottom lip. “Don’t say you’re sorry.” His voice was husky. “Show me you’re sorry.”

He dipped his head and nuzzled my neck causing all sorts of electric shocks to go off inside me. God, it felt like I was coming apart and the throb between my legs was intense. So intense that I began to slowly move my hips against him, whimpering and moaning at the feel of him.

His mouth found mine, his lips firm as he opened over me. He slowly leaned into me as we kissed. And holy shit what a kiss. I tasted beer and mint and Ben. It was a heady combination and every time his tongue slid inside my mouth, some new part of me liquefied. He suckled on my bottom lip and I could do nothing but gaze up into his eyes, little sounds of need burgeoning from the back of my throat.

He pulled away, his breathing rough. “I fucking love that.”

“What?” I managed.

“That noise you make. It’s driving me insane.”

God, I thought, I’m already there.

Ben leaned back a bit, his gaze moving down my body, a slow, sensual perusal that had my nipples standing erect and shouting hello before he even got there. As if reading my mind he bent forward, and then his hot mouth closed over my nipple, the heat penetrating through the fabric of my dress instantly and I sagged into him.

“Oh, Ben.” I whimpered.

My hands fell to his shoulders for support and when he cupped my butt and pulled me against his erection I might have screamed. Or moaned. God I hope I moaned because a scream was a little much. But there you have it. That’s how worked up I was.

His hands were slowly inching my skirt up and then I felt his open palm on my butt cheek gently coaxing me up. I let him. I let him lift me and I wrapped my legs around his waist as if he was my savior. By this time my dress sat above my hips and he had full access to everything below it.

And boy did he let his hands wander. They slid over my hips and caressed my cheeks, sending little sparks of desire along my skin.

His mouth caught mine again, our lips meshing with need... urgent, hot need. I wanted him so badly that all coherent thought fled. And as his hands slowly kneaded the small of my back and made their way down to my ass, every touch of his fingers and stroke of his tongue had me in flames.

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