Normally, I would have sidestepped, made an excuse and waited because they were that drunk, but I was desperate and if anything I was an opportunist.

We bypassed the lineup—and by we, I meant the blonde and her enormous rack. The doorman waved us in, nodding to me and smiling at the girls while the one on my arm tried to blow the guy a kiss. But she was so wasted I had to hold on tight or she would have been on her ass for sure.

As soon as we were inside it was easy to disengage myself—I was stone cold sober and she was not, yet even so blondie grabbed my ass and went for the kill. I managed to deflect a hand aimed at my dick and got the hell away from them.

What the fuck was wrong with these girls?

The place was filled with hot, sweaty bodies moving to the heavy, hypnotic beat the bass player laid down as he stood on top of the monitors near the stage. The singer stood beside him rapping about fucking and sucking—how original. I immediately headed for the bar and thought that it was going to take a miracle to find Georgia in here.

For all I knew she was already gone, and frustrated, I ordered a beer and leaned against the edge of the bar as I slowly moved my eyes over the room. I had way too much pent up energy for this place and the energy was making me crazy. It was hard. Aggressive.

I rolled my shoulders trying to ease the tension I felt, while ignoring the suggestive looks from a few of the ladies dancing near the edge of the crowd.

My foot tapped the floor impatiently and I swallowed half the bottle in one gulp and groaned when I saw the group of girls I’d walked in with. They had followed me over to the bar and the drunken blonde was trying to get my attention.

I kept my eyes averted, which probably wasn’t a smart thing because if the blonde did a sneak shot for my cock, I’d be wide open.

Where the hell was Georgia?

Irritated, I finished my beer in another long gulp and set it on the bar. I moved through the crowd, enjoying the music a bit more now that the guy had stopped chattering about getting laid and the guitarist was sending out some tasty stuff. The heavy bass riff touched all of us, and it vibrated against the back of my teeth as I exhaled and ran my hands through my hair in agitation.


It was then that I saw her.

She glanced up and our eyes met. Even though we were in the middle of this hot mess it felt like there was only the two of us. And just like in the movies, you know the scene, the one when the music dive bombs and everything goes slow-motion, fades to gray and comes to a standstill? The one where the girl and the guy finally realize they belong together?

Yeah. I had one of those—a total fucking chick-flick moment.

Some guy fell into me and cussed me out when I shoved him out of the way. I didn’t break eye contact. Hell, I don’t even think I breathed. All I saw was Georgia.

She leaned against a table, wearing a hot blue dress that showed a hell of a lot of leg along with a pair of come-fuck-me shoes, high spiky things that inspired more than a few ideas.

I decided I would let her keep them on when I finally had her alone and naked.

Because that’s where we were headed.

I knew it—and as she swiped her tongue along her bottom lip and stared back at me—I could tell that she knew it too.

She pushed off from the table, her long hair swinging around her shoulders, her eyes so huge and shiny—so fucking alive—I swear she could see right inside me. Some guy was chatting her up but I didn’t give a shit. As I approached her mouth opened slightly and I shoved my way past him, slid my hands along either side of her face and dipped my head. I kissed her as if I was starving and she let me.

She tasted like peppermint.

She felt like fucking heaven.

Georgia opened beneath me and made a sound at the back of her throat that was so primal, so goddamn urgent, I felt like pounding my chest. I was ready to go all Tarzan on her and that was something I’d never experienced before.

Her arms slid around my waist and she pressed herself against me, every soft curve melting into my body like she was meant to be there. I kissed her long and hard, my eyes open and so were hers.

The music pounded us from all sides, burning into us, throbbing along every cell in my body. The smell of sex and lust, stale beer and weed filled the air and slid over us. It was a heady mixture and an ache formed inside me, one that was hot and hard.

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