Elementary School Challenges Chapter One

It was a dark, Sunday night, almost midnight, and the eve of Lindsey's first day of school. Lindsey was having a lot of trouble falling asleep, as she was nervous about starting kindergarten the following day. Lindsey's older sister Laura, (who hated school herself) did her best to convince Lindsey that school was wonderful and fun, but Lindsey just wasn't buying it. After tossing and turning and crying for several hours, Lindsey finally fell asleep. As Lindsey awoke to the first day of school, she was not a happy camper. First of all,Lindsey was terrified about attending school, and getting just a few hours of sleep the night before, only made matters worse. Lindsey fought, and did everything she could to try to get her mother to allow her to stay home. After much begging and pleading, Lindsey's mother glanced at the clock, and realized that they were going to be late, if they didn't hurry. With anger in her voice, Lindsey's mother sternly warned her that if she continued to waste time, she was going to get a whooping. Lindsey was adamant about not wanting to go school. She threw herself to the floor, kicking and screaming and thrashing about, in a full out temper tantrum. She resembled the main character in the well known movie called The Exorcism. It was clear to Lindsey's mother that Lindsey was not going down without a fight. Lindsey's mother decided to take physical action. She immediately approached Lindsey, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her thrashing body from the floor. Noting the look on her mother’s face, Lindsey was terrified about what could happen next. Finally, Lindsey decided to cooperate. Fortunately for Lindsey, (and especially since they were running so late), the neighborhood elementary school was just down the street from Lindsey's house.

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