The following week, Lindsey returned to school. Her mother also went with her, in order to speak to the teacher, and to give her Lindsey’s excuse note for being out for the previous week. As Lindsey and the rest of the class were taking their seats, Lindsey’s mother went over to speak to the teacher and give her the note. Nothing changed of course, and for the rest of the entire week, Mrs. Denmark was as mean as always. At the end of Friday, Lindsey gathered up her belongings and all of her homework ,including all of the work she had missed from the previous week. When Lindsey arrived at home that day, her mother asked to see all of her homework. Even she was overwhelmed at the amount of work Lindsey had received, and she knew that with Lindsey’s challenges in math, there was no way that Lindsey was going to be able to finish it all by herself. Lindsey’s mother immediately began going over Lindsey’s homework with Lindsey. They decided together that it would be best for Lindsey to complete all of the easiest work first, then move on to the complicated work (math) once everything else was completed. Much to their surprise, Lindsey had completed all of her homework (with the exception of math), by the end of Friday night. As soon as they awoke Saturday morning, (knowing it was going to take a lot of time), Lindsey and her mother began working on her math homework. Lindsey completed all of the easy math, while her mother worked on ways to teach Lindsey how to solve divisions. Lindsey’s mother remembered that In the past, Lindsey would just become angry and frustrated and throw a fit, making it impossible for her to teach her how to solve divisions. None the less she wasn’t going to give up. Lindsey’s mother spent the entire Saturday teaching Lindsey how to solve divisions. Finally their extra effort paid off. By the end of Saturday night, Lindsey had finally learned how to solve divisions, and by the end of Sunday night she had completed all of her homework including her math.

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