Finally, with just a couple of months left of the fourth grade, Lindsey learned to read! and quite well, I might add. Though Lindsey still struggled with her dyslexia, that didn’t stop her. With the help of her loving, kind, caring teacher, Lindsey learned reading comprehension, basic requirements, and all of the other basic requirements for the fourth grade. Lindsey had come a long way, but still had much to learn. With the fourth grade almost over, it was almost time for Lindsey and her classmates, to take the fifth grade entrance assessment tests. Lindsey’s teacher was enthusiastic about Lindsey's performance and even wanted to see Lindsey excel above the rest of the class. she did everything in her power to make it happen. Though Lindsey had made much improvement and was at the same level as the rest of her classmates., Lindsey continued to stay after school for one on one tutoring from Mrs. Count. During the one on one tutoring, Mrs. Count continued assessing Lindsey’s performance. She past multiple tests that Mrs. Count created, including spelling tests, math tests, reading comprehension tests, and more. To nobody else's knowledge, Lindsey was doing so well, that she was excelling above the rest of the class. Lindsey and Mrs. Count wanted to keep Lindsey’s improvement a secret, in order to surprise everyone later, and to prevent the other students from becoming jealous and as a result, possibly verbally and or physically attacking Lindsey. Lindsey being the kind, caring person that she is, used the knowledge that she had gained, to assist other students like herself, in achieving the same goals. If it was in her power to help someone, she did. If someone came to her for help with anything, she did whatever she could to assist them. She even helped the students who were mean to her if they asked.

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