Though nobody wants to hear, that their child has a learning disability, or any type of disability for that matter, Lindsey’s parents were actually relieved. Now that they had a diagnosis, they could focus on a plan to handle the problem effectively, and do whatever was necessary to help Lindsey succeed. Although Lindsey struggled throughout the second and third grades as her teachers were very mean to Lindsey, much like her Kindergarten teacher, things were however, still getting better. Lindsey’s parents followed the recommendations of the doctor, and the school as well. As Lindsey was beginning to learn to read, her confidence level was raised, and it was having a positive impact on her life as a whole. Though things were getting much better for Lindsey in the area of learning, there were still many other challenges that Lindsey was faced with. Lindsey had inner beauty as well as outer beauty. She had a positive attitude and outlook on life and always treated others with kindness. With all of the tools necessary for success, it appeared that Lindsey was well on her way to a happy life. As the struggles of the second and third grades were coming to an end, Lindsey was looking forward to much success for her future. As Lindsey entered the fourth grade, she was positive that things could only get better. Though Lindsey was doing much better in school, her life challenges were far from over. Fortunately for Lindsey, her fourth grade teacher Mrs. Count ,was unlike any other. She was a kind and caring elderly lady, with a lot of patience, and a strong desire to see others succeed. Her happiness came from the happiness of others. She loved lifting others and being a part of their success. She was such a wonderful lady, that she and Lindsey developed a wonderful relationship that went beyond just teaching and learning in school. They got along so well personally, that Mrs. Count was also interested in meeting Lindsey’s parents and the rest of Lindsey’s family as well.

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