Time was flying fast, as Thanksgiving vacation was coming to an end. While her mother and father spent time talking, Lindsey and her brother and sister, spent the next few days playing at the park, that was located directly across the street, right next to the school. Lindsey and her siblings had tons of fun playing at the park, and since it was just across the street from their house, they were there all of the time. Almost every day, they would play in the park until it was dark out or until their mother would come outside and holler from their front porch that it was time to come in, and eat dinner. With just one day left of Thanksgiving vacation, Lindsey and her sister were trying to have as much fun as possible. Knowing that they needed to get up early for school the next day, and even though it wasn’t dark out yet, and dinner wasn’t even ready yet. Lindsey’s mother Linda began calling the kids to come in. Lindsey’s mother cooked dinner while all the kids took turns bathing and picking out their clothes to wear for the next day. The first day back to school came so fast that it seemed like they never even left. It seemed like time was flying by so fast, that it was hard to believe that over 3 months had already past since the first day of school. Christmas was already just around the corner with just three more weeks to go. As Lindsey and her siblings were anticipating the arrival of Christmas , the next few weeks felt like an eternity to them. But for Lindsey’s mother, who was working hard to make sure that everyone in the family had a wonderful Christmas, time was going much to fast. Finally Christmas had arrived, and just like every other Christmas, it was nothing short of perfect.

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