With the third month of Kindergarten, fast approaching, elementary school still wasn’t getting any easier for Lindsey. Though she did what she could to make the best of things, Lindsey was faced with an impossible challenge. Her teacher!. Much to Lindsey’s surprise, her Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Shockley, wasn’t at all what she had expected. In the beginning, Lindsey had assumed that she would have no issues with her teacher, since she was an elderly lady, and she had always gotten along well with elderly people in the past. As stated previously, for some reason, elderly people had always seemed to take a liking to Lindsey. However, Mrs. Shockley was no ordinary elderly lady. In fact she was quite abusive, verbally and physically. At the beginning of each day, and right after citing the pledge of allegiance, she would force the students to march in a circle for at least an hour. She expected each student to be able to touch their knees to their nose. Any student that was unable to complete this exercise, was punished, by either having to stand with their face in the corner of the room, or by receiving a painful pinch, either on their chin, or their cheek. Each day, when her mother would pick her up from school, Lindsey would complain to her, of the abuse she had endured from her teacher. Unfortunately Lindsey’s mother didn’t believe her, and figured it was just her way of trying to get out of going to school. Once she realized that no matter what she said , her mother wasn’t going to believe her, and trying to convince her would only make matters worse, she decided to just endure the abuse, be quiet about it, and try to make the best of a bad situation. With the passing of time, things seemed to get better. It seemed that the more Lindsey kept quiet about things, the better they got, and the less abusive her teacher was.

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