"You speak of the creator as though you know him, as though your wayward life is impeccable and true, but in actual sense we know you are just another spark of impurity in the dough. You call me a lunatic and a thief, but one day the people of Anadan would see the truth and then, the world you know would crumble to nothing."

The man in chains spat. He made to wipe the salty liquid off his face, but the two keepers holding his hands would not let him.

The other man chuckled and wiped his damp hands with a clean white towel, he had his gaze on the exit, not looking at the man in chains.

"You see, that's the problem with you, old chap. You are a man with high hopes. The covenant court of five have sealed lips. Who would tell the world about your insane speculation of the apocalypse, these machines?" The man in battle gear gestured with mockery at the two robots holding the other man in chains.

They were called the keepers of truth and sanity. They wore white breast plate as armor and their abdomen was made of black insulted tubes.

"The truth the people knows is the truth we want them to know. We rule the world and direct what people believe, I wonder why that's too difficult for you to accept. Give us the slate of vale, Max, and then you can go home and see your family again."

"Leave my family out of this." The chained man shouted with a renewed strength as the image of his wife and his seven-year-old son flashed in his memory. The hope of seeing them again had kept him going ever since they locked him in this hell of a cell called Ogred.

"It's good to see that anger in your eyes Max, or should I say, Gray Blur?" The man in battle gear shook his head with indignation "it's such a pity to see your racing glory in dust. Hand over the slate of vale now that you are still breathing. We will clear your name and you could go back to your old life, you would pick up your H-board from the bin and have everybody chanting your glorious name again. Nobody would believe this had ever happened"

The man in battle gear had moved closer now and was stroking the hair of the chained man, whom he had called Max.

"Please forgive me great lord" Max said with sarcasm "but the slate of vale is in a place where you or the likes of you would never find it."


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