Taking baby steps along the row of seats I slide into the back seat with a sigh of relief and waited for Mr. Romans to finish discussing with the driver and after a few minutes we were rumbling out of school

The journey went uneventful but all the way, but somehow I had a sense of foreboding, like something big was going to happen and my nerves started their sinful dance.

A few hours later

I took a few deep breaths to steady my fluttering nerves, then got up and with Mr. Romans leading the way, we managed out the bus. The moment my feet touched the ground a zap of energy surged through, that had my hair on end. A small gasps left my lips before I was being pulled forward by Mr. Romans to what I assumed was the forest edge. Mr Romans gave a dramatic speech about staying together though I knew he just wanted us to not embarrass him whiles he tried to look good to the hot guide.

After stumbling and tripping a good deal over roots, stumps and stones. The guide took pity on me and we came to a clearing to rest.

Sitting down, I took out my sketch book, drowned down all the chattering and started making a rough sketch about the image that was now embedded in my brain. The image of a red eyed beast, with ebony black wings that combed the dark clouds of the night. So engulfed was I, that never noticed that everyone else had gone, leaving me alone.

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