The young man stared out the balcony at the scene playing confront of him. Saying nothing.

He had been staring there for quite a while , intrigued and amused. Vaguely.

" Tell me Tybalt, what do you think of them ?" He asked his most trusted servant as he silently approached, though never taking his eyes of the 4 girls in the garden. All daughters of the 4 clans that made up his kingdom, and from them he must choose his bride as customs demand.

Tybalt gazed to the gardens where the 4 so called " prestigious " girls pranced about with an air of self involvement their hand maidens tailing silently behind them.

" I do not know, my king, but we shall find out soon."

Although the king noticed the false note in his voiced he commented nothing on it , but continued to gaze at the squabbles of the ladies.

' indeed we shall Tybalt.'

"Aye" said the king, all features hard and cold. " Aye we shall

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