He looked at her curiously. She seemed to be totally unaware that it

was her youth and her beauty that made all the danger of the

expedition. He fell back on the easier excuse.

"There seems to be unrest amongst some of the tribes. There have been a

lot of rumours lately," he said seriously.

She made a little movement of impatience. "Oh, that's what they always

tell you when they want to put obstacles in your way. The authorities

have already dangled that bogey in front of me. I asked for facts and

they only gave me generalities. I asked definitely if they had any

power to stop me. They said they had not, but strongly advised me not


to make the attempt. I said I should go, unless the French Government

arrested me.... Why not? I am not afraid. I don't admit that there is

anything to be afraid of. I don't believe a word about the tribes being

restless. Arabs are always moving about, aren't they? I have an

excellent caravan leader, whom even the authorities vouch for, and I

shall be armed. I am perfectly able to take care of myself. I can shoot

straight and I am used to camping. Besides, I have given my word to

Aubrey to be in Oran in a month, and I can't get very far away in that


There was an obstinate ring in her voice, and when she stopped speaking

he sat silent, consumed with anxiety, obsessed with the loveliness of

her, and tormented with the desire to tell her so. Then he turned to

her suddenly, and his face was very white. "Miss Mayo--Diana--put off

this trip only for a little, and give me the right to go with you. I

love you. I want you for my wife more than anything on earth. I shan't

always be a penniless subaltern. One of these days I shall be able to

give you a position that is worthy of you; no, nothing could be that,

but one at least that I am not ashamed to offer to you. We've been very

good friends; you know all about me. I'll give my whole life to make

you happy. The world has been a different place to me since you came

into it. I can't get away from you. You are in my thoughts night and

day. I love you; I want you. My God, Diana! Beauty like yours drives a

man mad!"

"Is beauty all that a man wants in his wife?" she asked, with a kind of

cold wonder in her voice. "Brains and a sound body seem much more

sensible requirements to me."

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