The night grew hotter and the atmosphere more oppressive. Wrapped in a

thin silk kimono Diana lay very still on the outside of the wide couch

in the inner room, propped high with pillows that the shaded light of

the little reading-lamp beside her might fall on the book she held, but

she was not reading.

It was Raoul's latest book, that he had brought with him, but she could

not concentrate her mind on it, and it lay idle on her knee--while her

thoughts were far away. It was three months since the night that Saint

Hubert had almost given up hope of being able to save the Sheik's

life--a night that had been followed by days of suspense that had


reduced Diana to a weary-eyed shadow of her former vigorous self, and

had left marks on Raoul that would never be effaced. But thanks to his

great strength and splendid constitution the Sheik had rallied and

after the first few weeks convalescence had been rapid. When the

terrible fear that he might die was past it had been a wonderful

happiness to wait on him. With the determination to live for the

moment, to which she had forced herself, she had banished everything

from her mind but the joy of being near him and of being necessary to

him. It had been a very silent service, for he would lie for hours with

closed eyes without speaking, and something that she could not master

kept her tongue-tied in his presence when they were alone. Only once he

had referred to the raid. As she bent over him to do some small office

his fingers closed feebly round her wrist and his eyes, with a

searching apprehension in them, looked into hers for the first time

since the night when she had fled from his curses.

"Was it--in time?" he whispered slowly, and as she nodded with crimson

cheeks and lowered eyes he turned his head away without another word,

but a shudder that he was too weak to control shook him.

But the happiness of ministering to him passed very swiftly. As he grew

stronger he managed so that she was rarely alone with him, and he

insisted on her riding twice every day, sometimes with Saint Hubert,

sometimes with Henri, coolly avowing a preference for his own society

or that of Gaston, who was beginning to get about again. Later, too, he

was much occupied with headmen who came in from the different camps,

and as the days passed she found herself more and more excluded from

the intimacy that had been so precious. She was thrown much into the

society of Raoul de Saint Hubert. All that they had gone through

together had drawn them very closely to each other, and Diana often

wondered what her girlhood would have been like if it had been spent

under his guardianship instead of that of Sir Aubrey Mayo. The sisterly

affection she had never given her own brother she gave to him, and,

with the firm hold over himself that he had never again slackened, the

Vicomte accepted the role of elder brother which she unconsciously

imposed on him.

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