James stood at the head of the table. "All right, so we had a tip come in from Fernando Munez, a gardener of Senator Edwards. He claims he overheard the Senator's personal chauffeur discussing a plot to take out the Senator's limo on the way to the Senate meeting tomorrow morning. The chauffeur Michael Darnell is being brought in for questioning, Keith I'd like you to handle it and Amanda you run point."

"Ya, sure," Keith said.

"So, what else do we know?" James looked around the table at the rest of us.

"Well, the Senator has been sick for some time; he had a stroke a few months back and hasn't recovered. There is an important Energy Bill that is going to be voted on tomorrow. Senator Edwards who hasn't attended a meeting in months is going tomorrow to cast his vote. His vote could make or break it." I said.

"The Energy Bill is an important one; it will fund research for alternate fuel resources. If successful it could really hurt the oil industry," Amy added.

"All right Amy, do a work up on Michael Darnell, I want to know everything about him and also check Michael's phone. I want to know who he came in contact with, when and why. Have Julie, do a work up of those names and see what you two come up with."

"You got it."

He turned to me. "Amanda, make sure the press and news reporters know nothing. I don't want word one about this getting out. We don't want whoever is behind this to know we're onto them."

"I'll handle it."

"I'm going to call and speak with Senator, see if anyone has made threats against him recently. All right, everyone, let's get back to work," James turned and headed out the door.


"Amanda, I'll be in the interrogation room," Keith said as he got up.

"All right, I'll be there in a few minutes." I smiled as he walked away. I then headed back to my computer and quickly wrote up a memo to all departments that no information was to be given out to anyone without clearance. Upping the clearance level to an eight I sent the memo out. I then headed to the interrogation room just as I saw Jeff leading Michael Darnell in. At the door I entered the security code and then stepped inside.

Keith was sitting at the desk prepping the cameras and the recording devices.

"He's here." Keith turned at the sound of my voice and nodded.

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