We walked a block away to the SUV and Keith related the directions to Pete who would be driving. We slid into the backseat, and Keith put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. He gently took my injured hand in his and stroked it with his thumb.

"Of all days to get injured, it had to be today," I sighed.

"I know, I'm just glad you're ok, honey. I was scared back there, when I saw you struggling with Landow…" he broke off, kissing the top of my head.

I moved closer to him."Me too. He was really strong…it took a lot to fight him off. Thanks for throwing him off and helping me out."

"Anytime, sweetheart. You handled it so well, Mandy. I just can't believe...I was less than five feet away from you, and yet I couldn't get to you until it was almost too late." He blinked back tears causing my heart to skip a beat. He loves me so much. I really hope we make it to our wedding; I've never wanted nothing more. All I want today is to marry him. I hugged him. "It was in the middle of a firefight, honey. I didn't even see him come from the side. I should've been watching better."

He bit his lip. "I should've too."

"This isn't going to look good with the wedding dress," I sighed again as I looked down at my hand.

"You're so beautiful, no one we'll even notice."

I blushed. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. "Andrews."

"It's Amy, I did the background search and James did a work up of the compound. I'll be sending the layout of the compound to the computer."


"All right lemme put you on speaker so the guys can hear."

"Henderson has been watched by the FBI for two years, this guy is dirty. He owns a great deal of oil stock. He has been suspected of having insider tips on the market, selling stock when oil goes down, buying when it goes up. He's also suspected of having friends in the Middle East who cause skirmishes and he hopes to start a war so that oil can be controlled by people like him. There's not enough evidence to convict him yet, but it makes sense that he would be behind the Senator's assassination plot. Alternate energy would ruin all his plans. I'll send you his photo so you know who to look out for."

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