I met his eyes, eyes that were that of a predator. A hungry predator. And I was his willing prey.

Common sense kept trying to rear its ugly head, but I ignored that stupid bitch for the moment. I needed Devlin right then more than I needed my next lungful of oxygen. It had been so long since I’d been touched, kissed…licked. Bob wasn’t enough to satisfy me anymore, and who the hell wanted Bob when I had this delicious man standing over me ready to devour me at any moment? Bob was just a piece of silicone with a few batteries to make it vibrate. I’d much rather have hot flesh and blood sliding inside me than Bob.

Devlin licked his lips as he slowly lowered to his knees on the edge of the bed. His aquamarine eyes were on my panties and I spread my thighs slowly, showing him exactly how ready I was for him. My panties were soaked, the proof of my desire for him dripping onto my thighs, making them glisten. He licked his lips again and crawled toward me until he reached my knees.

With a hungry groan, he lowered his head and licked away the wetness on my inner thighs. I shivered in reaction, knowing that only more pleasure would follow. That talented tongue of his licked higher, and then over my panties. I moaned as he paused long enough to suck my clit through the cotton of my underwear.

“Yes,” I gasped when his hands lifted to cup my breasts. Long, dark fingers pinched my nipples, twisting them ever so slightly, just the way I liked it. “Dev!” I protested when he lifted his head, his eyes intent on the little jewel hanging from my belly button. I bit my lip when he took a closer look at the sapphire glinting from the end of a drumstick that I’d impulsively had made a few months ago.

I was such a masochist, wearing something that would constantly remind me of Devlin, but I’d been unable to talk myself out of it. I’d worn it from the moment the jewelry designer had finished with it. Devlin stared down at the belly button ring for nearly a full minute before lowering his head and laving it with his tongue.

The feel of his tongue diving in and out of my naval was sweet torment. I whimpered, trying to get his attention, to ask him to please just fuck me but he cut off any pleas I might have made when he lifted his head and captured my lips with a fierceness that would leave my mouth bruised by morning. I didn’t care. Especially when his hands started exploring the rest of my body.

When cool air hit my throbbing clit, I realized he’d torn my panties away. His thumb rubbed across the swollen little bundle of nerves and I cried out into his mouth. He grinned against my lips. “My girl is ready for me.”

“Yes,” I panted as he thrust two fingers inside of me. My hips arched up off the bed, seeking a deeper penetration, wanting his cock to replace his fingers. “Please, Dev.”

“Please…what?” he murmured, pulling back just enough to meet my eyes. “Tell me what you want, Nat. This?” He withdrew his fingers only to thrust three into me, stretching me wider. I was tight, just as tight as I had been our first time together.

“No,” I gasped. “You, Dev. I want you inside of me. Please.”


“Okay, baby. Whatever you want.” He pushed his boxers down his thighs and rolled onto his back, lifting me over him as he did so in one smooth motion.

I cried out when the tip of his thick cock brushed over my damp folds. My thighs parted willingly and he thrust up into me in one hard pump. “Dev!” I screamed his name, stars flashing behind my closed eyes as I took a moment to savor the feel of him so deep inside of me, stretching me, filling me up.

“Natalie,” he said, his breathing labored with the force he was using to hold back, to keep from pounding into me and taking us both to heaven in just a few minutes. But that wasn’t Devlin’s style. He liked to make us both wait until neither of us could hold back and we both fell together. I opened my eyes to see that his beautiful eyes were dark with a passion that was consuming us both. “Baby, I need you to move. Take control, Natalie, because if I do it this will be over way too fast. You feel so good, baby. So fucking good. This tight little pussy was made just for me.”

I set an unhurried pace for us, taking my time as I lifted my hips and slowly slid back down his hardness. I watched as his face twisted in pleasure, his eyes drifting half closed so that he could watch me through thick lashes. He licked his lips as I did it again, his fingers biting into my hips but never forcing me to go faster. My breasts bounced, my hair falling over my left shoulder, tickling my hardened nipple.

Devlin lifted one hand to play with my hair, teasing it over my other nipple. I whimpered at the added pleasure and quickened my pace just a little. I tried to keep from going all the way down, from letting my clit brush over him so that I could hold back my orgasm as long as possible. His jaw clenched, telling me he was trying to hold back his own release.

“You’re killing me, Nat,” he said with a growl.

“Good.” I lowered my head to lick his chest, loving the taste of his skin. He jerked inside of me, his hips thrusting up unconsciously. “If you want to come so bad, then take over. Fuck me, Dev. Make me come.”

“Not. Yet,” he gritted out. “A little longer.”

“Okay, then.” I went back to my slow and steady pace, taking just as much pleasure in watching his struggle not to come as I was at the decadent feel of him filling my pussy with his glorious cock. “A little longer.”

A little longer turned into only a few minutes before he was gripping my ass to hold onto me while he rolled us. He lifted onto his knees and thrust into me so hard that I cried out in surprise. My hands went straight to his back, my nails sinking deep without my realizing it. He cursed and thrust harder, faster until I was hanging on the edge of an orgasm that was going to destroy us both.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come all over my dick, Natalie.”

I screamed his name at his naughty command, falling over the edge. My hot liquid release gushed from my pussy all over him, the convulsions of my inner walls as I came hard milking him of his own release. Devlin stiffened over me, his head thrown back as he groaned my name over and over again while his body emptied deep inside of me.

The sound of an all-too-familiar ringtone forced me to open my eyes. The sound was distant, but persistent and I lifted my head in search of it only to realize I wasn’t in my own bed, and I was definitely not alone. I sat up quickly, stifling a moan when sore muscles protested.

Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

The man lying face down just inches from me didn’t move as I jumped from the bed and searched for my phone almost frantically. What had I done? How many times had I done it? Oh. Fuck. Had we used any protection?

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