I’d broken down and told Jenna about the baby, but I’d done it knowing that my sister would take the secret to her grave. My sister and I had the kind of relationship that if I called her and told her I’d killed someone, she would come up with an air-tight alibi for me even as she was searching for the best place to bury the body. It was the same for me. Having someone who would always have your back like my sister and I had each other’s, was something that everyone should have.

When I went into the doctor’s office with Lana and Dallas later today there would be no hiding my condition from Drake or anyone else any longer. I didn’t know how my brothers were going to react to me being pregnant, but since they’d been so accepting of Devlin asking me to marry him, I hoped they wouldn’t be too unpleasant to deal with.

“Good,” Devlin murmured. His lips skimmed up my neck and across my cheek until he reached my lips. When he kissed me, it was one of his slow, tender kisses that left me more breathless than if he’d been kissing me hard and deep. He knew that I could never withstand those kinds of kisses.

After only a few minutes of that kiss I was on the verge of begging him to make love to me. Devlin lifted his head with a drugged look in his eyes. “Should we take Harris with us today?” he asked, and I saw the uncertainty on his face.

He wanted to include Harris in such a big event but didn’t know if I wanted to. I cupped the side of his face in my hand. “Yeah. I think that would be great,.” I told him, letting him know by that simple little answer that when I thought of our future I would always include his son. Harris was a part of Devlin. If I didn’t already love that kid, I would have loved him for that fact alone.

Devlin’s face relaxed and he brushed another soft kiss over my lips. “Wonder how he’s going to take our news.”

I bit my lip, wondering that same thing. We hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Harris. I didn’t know how my future stepson was going to react to the news of becoming a brother. There was going to be a huge age gap between him and any child we had. Would he accept his sibling?

At the sound of people moving around, Devlin kissed me again, this one quick and hard, before reaching for the curtain of our roost. He slipped from our bed, pulling a shirt over his head as he headed toward the bathroom. “Get up, baby. You need to eat.”

I wasn’t hungry, but knew that he was right. Sighing, I reached for my robe hanging from the little hook on the outside of the roost and pulled it on as I walked down the hall to the kitchenette. Zander, Liam, and Linc were sitting at the table drinking coffee when I walked in.

“Morning,” Zander greeted. He stood and offered me a cup of coffee but I shook my head, pulling out a bottle of water instead.

“Want me to fix you something?” Linc asked as he stood and opened the refrigerator door. “I can make you an omelet or some French toast.”


I reached around him for the milk. “I think I’m going to stick with cereal this morning, but thanks all the same Momma Linc.” I smirked up at him.

Linc caught hold of a few locks of my short hair and tugged it affectionately. “If you weren’t such a bitch I might actually love you, Natalie Stevenson.”

I pouted out my bottom lip. “You’re breaking my heart, Linc.”

He rolled his green eyes at me before kissing the top of my head and stepping away from me. “Anyone else want anything to eat?” he asked, taking out the carton of eggs and some vegetables.

“Me.” Liam was the first to speak up.

“I’m good, dude.” Zander wasn’t much of a breakfast person. If Linc had been offering to fix spaghetti, chicken, or steak he would have been all over that. Eggs… not so much.

I poured a bowl of cereal that was full bran flakes mixed with granola and raisins. I was just adding the milk when Devlin came into the kitchenette. He saw what I was having for breakfast and made a face. “Really? That’s all you’re gonna eat?”

“I’m not very hungry,” I told him as I returned the milk to the fridge. “Linc’s making omelets though, if you want one.”

“I have some smoked sausage that I can add to it,” Linc informed him enticingly.

I couldn’t help but giggle at the look that filled Devlin’s face. Smoked sausage must have been the equivalent of a blowjob when it came to food. Devlin rubbed his hands together. “Dude, I’ll take two.”

Linc smirked. “Of course you will. You like eating my sausage.”

Liam and Zander nearly burst a gut from laughing so hard. I watched with glee as Devlin’s face turned beet red for the first time since I’d met him. “Walked right into that one, didn’t I?” he muttered.

“It’s okay, babe. I won’t get jealous if you eat Linc’s sausage.” I winked up at him as I took a bite of my cereal. “I’ll even help you eat it.”

“Ah fuck,” he grumbled and walked back toward the sleeping area. “I’m going to kill someone by the end of the day.”

The four of us were still laughing our asses off when the door to the sleeping area slammed shut.

When the van arrived to take us to Dr. Rashid’s office, I was still smiling.

Devlin had eaten his omelet, but he’d been blushing and muttering curses under his breath the entire time. It had been a fun morning and I was happy that we could have times like this with our friends.

Axton and Dallas climbed into the van first. They were leaving Cannon on their bus with Kenzie watching over him. Drake and Lana, however, put Neveah’s car-seat in the middle row between them. They didn’t leave their daughter often. One of them was almost always with her.

Once they were all settled, I climbed in and took a place in the back, scooting over so that Devlin could climb in with me. Harris was left with the front passenger seat. He put his Beats on and frowned out the window as the driver pulled into traffic. I didn’t know what Devlin had told him to get him to come with us, but I doubted he’d already explained what was going to happen when we got to the doctor.

The ride took less than fifteen minutes and when we entered the doctor’s plush office, I went straight to the receptionist to sign us all in. Since I’d had Lana and Dallas fill out the paperwork in advance and emailed it to the doctor’s staff, there was no reason for us to have to wait more than necessary.

The waiting room was empty so we all sat together. Neveah ran straight to the little play area that was set up for toddlers and I watched with an indulgent smile as my beautiful little niece brought me toy after toy after toy. She jabbered in her sweet little voice and I nodded like I understood everything she was saying.

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