I took in everything the deputy chief had to say. From the evidence in the bloody message, it looked like the psycho was also a smart psycho. They had been wearing gloves because there were no fingerprints. The cops were going to check all video cameras that were around the venue but tens of thousands of people had been in attendance tonight. Two detectives were already questioning the roadies, but the likelihood of finding out who was responsible for tonight’s destruction was going to be slim to none.

Emmie wasn’t happy with that news, but she understood. Or so she said. Once the deputy chief left, with Peterson with him, Emmie’s grip on my hand tightened. “Okay, here is what we’re going to do. When Seller gets here we are going to put a security camera at the door of every bus so that we can see who comes and goes. I’m getting us headsets so that we can communicate better during shows. I want me and you to be in contact with every member of Seller’s security team at all times before, during, and after each and every concert.”

I nodded, scribbling down notes as she continued to outline what she wanted done.

When Emmie’s phone rang several minutes later she made a soft sound and blinked rapidly as she put the cell to her ear. “Shane?” She listened for a moment, her green eyes brighter than I’d seen them in a long time. Her face scrunched up for a second in emotion before she clenched her jaw. “Okay…Yes…Okay. Stay close to Wroth. I don’t know if this idiot is just after her or the both of you…I love you.” When she lowered her hand she swiped her free hand over her eyes.

“Is everything—?” I broke off, not sure how to ask the question. I knew everything wasn’t okay. My brother and his wife had been through sheer hell tonight. We all had in one shape or form.

“Ranger is going to make it. Nothing vital was hit. Shane’s upset still, but he’s better now that he knows Harper is safe and the dog is going to live.” Her shoulders slumped for a moment. “I think he’s going to quit, Nat. Not that I could blame him after this. I’m about ready to quit myself.”

I nodded, knowing exactly where she and my brother were coming from. This life was full of all kinds of ups, but just as many downs. Developing stalkers and other crazies that wanted to hurt you or someone you loved was just part of the many downs of any celebrity’s life. Shane had had to put up with more than his fair share of demented chicks making threats to Harper from the day his engagement to her hit social media. Now, however, it wasn’t just threats. It was real. Someone had hurt a member of Shane’s family. Ranger was just as much a child to him and Harper as Mia and Jagger were to Emmie. That same person had intended to hurt Harper just as bad.

It was a long time before I made it back to OtherWorld’s bus. By the time I climbed on board the bus, the living room was just as crowded as Drake’s had been. All I wanted was a shower and to fall into bed, maybe even grab a bite to eat if that wasn’t asking too much. I hadn’t eaten since my small bowl of cereal before we’d reached the venue earlier that day.

Everyone raised their heads when I stepped onto the bus. They had probably been waiting for me to come back to find out exactly what had gone on. I knew that the cops had told everyone they needed to get to their own buses and stay there, but because of the media that was already circling like vultures no one had been telling anyone anything.

My gaze skimmed over everyone until it landed on the only person I needed to see. Devlin was sitting in the recliner, his face tense as he watched me. When those aquamarine eyes met mine, I felt myself start to crumble. It had been a long night, and I’d kept all the fear and tears at bay while I rushed to get everything that needed my immediate attention done.

Now, with nothing left to do for the night but sleep and the man I wanted to simply hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay just feet away, I felt the tears fill my burning eyes. My throat tightened with all the pent-up emotion I’d held inside for hours now. Devlin stood and crossed to me, his strong arms going around me instantly. I bowed my head and leaned my forehead against his hard chest as the first tear spilled onto my cheek.


His arms tightened around me and I felt his lips brush over my ear. “It’s going to be okay, Nat.”

I could only nod, not sure if I believed him or not, but comforted by his words nonetheless.


The silky smooth leg over both of mine shifting woke me, but I didn’t open my eyes. Or maybe it was the instant ache in my cock that the shifting leg caused that woke me. Groaning, I moved my head until my lips found the top of Natalie’s head. She sighed my name and cuddled closer, still asleep.

As hard as I was right then, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her awake and sink deep into her pussy. I didn’t, though. Natalie needed as much sleep as she could get these days. She’d been working her ass off even more ever since some idiot had destroyed her brother’s bus three weeks ago.

The media was making a field day out of the stories on the attack, and bringing up shit from Shane’s past that had nothing to do with his relationship with Harper. The paps were trying their hardest to tear those two apart, but if anything it was only making their relationship stronger.

Most everyone who was on our tour had started to relax a little more now that the shock had worn off from the attack. I knew that both Emmie and Natalie were still on edge over the whole thing, though. Natalie was exhausted with all the shit she had to deal with every day on top of all the other things she was responsible for. I wanted to talk to Emmie about it, make her get Natalie some extra help.

Those two could probably conquer the world alone with just their clipboards and cellphones, but they still needed more help. Especially Natalie. The stress of it all was giving her more and more headaches. She was pale and there were dark circles under her beautiful blue-gray eyes. And it wasn’t just because I woke her up throughout the night to sink into that tight pussy of hers.

On the small shelf above the bed, Natalie’s phone vibrated twice and I rushed to grab it before it woke her. Blinking the last of the sleep from my eyes, I saw that it was a text but it didn’t make sense to me at first so I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand and looked at it again. There wasn’t a name with the text, just a five digit number.

Reminder: You have an appointment with Dr. Rashid @ 1:45 on July 13th. Reply 1 to confirm or 2 to reschedule.

My entire body turned hot and then cold. Was she sick? Were the almost constant headaches she was having worse than she’d made me think? My stomach began to turn at just the thought that there could be something seriously wrong with Natalie. If she was sick, if it was something that could take her from me, I didn’t know if I would survive that.

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