Just as I knew he would, Devlin made a low grumbling sound deep in his chest, almost like he was purring, and unwrapped his arms from my waist so that his hands could tangle in my long hair. His fingers locked my head into place so that he could take control of the kiss and devour my mouth in a kiss that left me aching for him in a way no one ever had before.

When he finally lifted his head, just an inch or two so that he could brush his lips over the tip of my nose, I was breathing hard and rubbing my lower body against his hard-on. “You ready to go?”

After that kiss I was more than ready, and going to some club where we would be surrounded with countless strangers for a few hours was definitely not what I wanted to be doing. “Can’t we just go back to our hotel room and make love?” I murmured, placing my hands on his chest and tracing little hearts over each male nipple through the material of his OtherWorld T-shirt.

Devlin raised a brow at my request. “What happened to the whining girl who left my bed this morning, complaining about me never taking her out?”

If he hadn’t been smiling I might have slapped his face. I hated it when he teased me like that. But I could tease him, too. “I’m a woman, Dev, not a girl. Your woman,” I murmured in a breathy whisper as I stood on tiptoe so that my kiss-dampened lips could brush over his ear, making him tremble just like I had earlier. “And your woman has every right to change her mind a thousand times before she finally decides to settle on what she really wants. And what your woman wants right now is for you to take her back to your room and let her suck your dick.”

With a muttered curse, Devlin picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. One big hand swatted across my ass, making a loud smacking sound as he hurried for the closest exit. “You are an evil little bitch, you know that, Nat?”

I propped my head up on my hand so that I didn’t get dizzy from the way he was carrying me. “So you’ve told me a hundred times before. But you like it.”

“No, babe. I fucking love it.” He was practically sprinting as he headed toward a row of taxies waiting in front of the civic center, his long legs eating up the distance in no time. I heard a door open and then he dropped me onto the bench seat before climbing in after me. But instead of the address of our hotel, he gave the name of the club he’d mentioned over lunch earlier that day.

“Dev,” I whined, wanting to just go back to our room and have him sink deep into me for the rest of the night.

With a deep chuckle he wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me against his side. “Nat,” he mocked me. “Relax. We’ll have more than enough time for that later. Right now I want to take my woman out and show her off at the club. Just like you begged me to this morning.” His lips captured mine and his tongue snuck out, licking my bottom lip until I opened for him.

We were still kissing when the taxi pulled to a stop in front of a club with a line of people all the way down the block. The driver cleared his throat loudly and Devlin grumbled something against my lips before finally lifting his head and tossing a hundred-dollar bill at the man. “Keep the change,” he bit out as he opened the door and pulled me out behind him.


Once we were on the sidewalk, Devlin stopped and kissed me again. His long, raven black hair fell forward, shielding us from the crowd that was lined up behind us. His hands wrapped around my neck, telling me that he didn’t want me going anywhere anytime soon. Didn’t he know that I would never be the first to step back? I loved him more than anything or anyone on the planet. He was the reason I woke up every morning with a smile on my face, the reason I hadn’t already lost my mind on this tour.

How long we stood there getting lost in our kiss I couldn’t honestly say. When he finally lifted his head, his aquamarine eyes were dark with passion and he was smiling. “Later,” he promised.

I licked my lips, sighing when I tasted him there. “Yeah, later.”

Laughing, he grasped my hand and entwined our fingers, pulling me toward the front of the line where two huge bouncers stood with headsets sticking from their ears and a clipboard. The first guy frowned at Devlin but the second stepped forward and shook his hand. “Welcome back, Mr. Cutter.”

“Thanks, man.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something before seamlessly passing it over to the other man. Another hundred or two, I was sure. Would I ever get over the fact that I was now surrounded by money? Sure, I hadn’t grown up poor, but we sure as hell hadn’t been rich by anyone’s standards. Devlin didn’t carry anything less than a ten-dollar bill in his wallet. If he got fives or ones back, he just gave them away. Normally it was as a tip to whatever service worker who had handed his change back to him.

The man’s eyes drifted over to me and he smirked when he took in my kiss-swollen lips. I shot him a glare and then the finger, making Devlin laugh as he stepped around the two bouncers and into the club, much to the loud protesting of the people still in line. I knew that look well. I’d gotten it more than once over the last few weeks. People knew who Devlin was, and they had never—not ever—seen him with the same chick more than once. When they looked at me they assumed I was just Devlin’s piece of ass for the night and would be discarded come morning.

And that was when I got to do the smirking because I knew that I was going to be in my rocker’s bed the next night and the night after and the night after that. He had promised me that our relationship was something special to him. That what we had would last because he cared about me.

Sure, it hadn’t been a declaration of love, but it had been good enough for me. We’d only been dating for a few weeks now, and I wasn’t in a rush. We had the rest of our lives to say those three little words to each other. It wasn’t like I was expecting him to suddenly spit it out and drop to his knees begging me to marry him.

Devlin had made it more than clear long before we’d even gotten together that he didn’t believe in marriage. I figured that unless something major changed with his way of thinking, then we wouldn’t be tying any knots. I was okay with that, though. I didn’t need a ring and a piece of paper to tell me that Devlin was mine any more than he did.

Marriage didn’t automatically make things better, in my opinion. It didn’t give your relationship superpowers and kept you or your spouse from cheating or doing something else just as stupid. It just showed the outside world that you were that committed to that person—at least for the moment. Divorce was a get-out-of-jail-free card and you could move on to the next relationship.

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