Some of them were larger and I knew from experience that those were the ones to definitely stay away from. Normally they held naked pictures of the sender. Yeah, that’s all I wanted to see this morning. Bare tits and pussies. That would sure complete my morning of fucking things I didn’t want to have to deal with.

Jenna sat down across from us and picked up some of the mail in front of us. Without a word she started making her own piles for each band member and before long the mail had been sorted. Now we just had to read it.

“I’ll take Wroth’s and Axton’s piles,” Jenna said. “One’s married and the other is pretty much a recluse since Marissa moved in here. How bad could those letters be?”

I gaped at my little sister. “You’re kidding, right? Did you notice that there are more in Wroth’s pile than Liam’s? Or that Axton’s pile is just as big as Zander’s? Those chicks don’t care if Ax is married. They get off on the idea that they can tempt him away from Dallas.”

“Okay, then I’ll take Liam’s and Devlin’s piles.”

“No way,” Harris said, grabbing the stack of envelopes with his father’s name on it. “You don’t need that shit in your head, Jen.”

Had that first letter really been that bad? I couldn’t help but wonder if I should have at least glanced at that damned thing before letting Harris read it. I honestly hadn’t wanted to disturb the kid, just show him what some of his father’s fans were like.

“I’ll take Zander’s and Liam’s piles.” I pulled them closer to me. “Harris you deal with Dev and Wroth’s. Jenna, you take Axton’s. And for the love of God, do not repeat anything you read in those damned things to Dallas.” I really didn’t want to unleash Mega Bitch Dallas before the tour even started. That would seriously be the worst thing to happen.

With Harris and Jenna helping me, the mail got taken care of in less than an hour. I put most of the letters and pictures in a trash bag and tossed it down the chute as we left the apartment. I didn’t want them to help me with my mile long to-do list, but it was nice to have some company as I took care of the things that needed immediate attention before we left on tour the next morning.

After lunch, Harris abandoned us though, having gotten a text from Lucy asking him to come over because she hadn’t slept well the night before. Jenna and I both hid a smirk as he nearly made skid marks on the street under his sneakers in his rush to get to Lucy. It was adorable the way he always dropped what he was doing to help his friend when she said she needed him.

“He will probably marry that girl one day,” I told my sister as we continued on our way down the busy New York City street.


“If Jesse Thornton doesn’t kill him first,” Jenna agreed with a grin. “Okay, where to next?”

I glanced down at my list, relieved to see that it was nearly completed. All that was left was to check on each of the guys and make sure they were packed and ready to leave early tomorrow morning. “Who do you want to check up on first? Liam, Wroth, Axton, or Zander?”

“You’re not going to check on Dev?” Jenna raised a brow at me.

“No need to. Harris already said that he and his dad were packed up.” I’d already crossed his name off my list before we’d even started.

“Stop being such a baby, Nat.” Jenna linked her arm through mine and tugged me toward the edge of the curb where she hailed a cab. She gave the address to Zander’s hotel. Of course, it was also Devlin’s hotel. “He’s going to be a major part of your life for a very long time, sis. Unless you decide to quit your job and move to Bora Bora then you might as well get your head out of your ass and deal with him.”

“Remind me again why I love you?” I glared at her across the seat of the cab, hating that she was right. Devlin was a huge part of my life and I needed to stop avoiding him.

“Only because you have to,” Jenna smirked at me, but her blue-gray gaze softened. “It’s going to be okay, Nat. I’m not going to abandon you. Harris and I both will help you all that you need.”

“Shut up,” I commanded, blinking back tears. No one, not one other person, loved me as much as my little sister did. We’d been the best of friends since the first time Jenna opened her mouth and said my name. There had never been a time when we fought or hated each other like some sisters tended to do. I could tell Jenna anything in confidence and knew she would take it to her death before revealing my secrets. And she knew the same was true for me.

“Alright ladies, here we are.” I tossed the driver his money plus tip and climbed out of the cab after my sister.

Inside the hotel, I went straight to the reception desk and told the man standing at the computer that I needed speak with Devlin, knowing that I wouldn’t just be able to get on the elevator and go straight up. You needed a key just to unlock that floor in this hotel. The man’s eyes narrowed at me. Sure I could have texted him myself, but I really didn’t want his name on my phone today. One text from me would turn into twenty from him. “Mr. Cutter has left specific instructions that he isn’t to be bothered.”

My own eyes narrowed at the man. “Does he have company?”

“I’ve no idea, Miss. But—”

I lifted an angry hand and cut him off. “Call him.” When the man just glared at me, I reached across the counter and lifted the receiver, thrusting it into his face. “Call. Him. Tell him that Natalie Stevenson is waiting for him to get his lazy ass out of bed and any ho-bag that is in his room will be tossed out the window if I get up there and find them.”


“Not now, Jenna. This was your idea to come here, now just shut the hell up,” I snapped and waved the phone in the receptionist’s face. “Now do your damn job and call Mr. Cutter, right the fuck now.”

“I didn’t know you wanted to see me so bad, baby,” came a deep voice from behind me. I was so startled, I nearly threw the phone in the receptionist’s face at the sound of it.


I tried to hide my grin as I stared down at a flustered Natalie. When I’d stepped off the elevator and saw her standing there waving a phone at the poor man behind the front desk I’d nearly burst out laughing. Fuck, but I loved how feisty she could be.

I didn’t know why she was there and trying to get up to the penthouse to see me, but I wasn’t going to complain. Stepping around her, I glared down at the man behind the desk. “For future reference, Natalie Stevenson is to be given direct access to my room. Make a note of it, dude. It might save your life.”

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