Brows raised, the man with a slight beer belly took the phone. “Hello?” His curious look turned to one of surprise. I watched in fascination as the man turned pink, then just as quickly a sickly pale. “Yes, sir. I understand, sir. Thank you, sir.”

Fingers trembling he returned the phone. His eyes were downcast as he spoke to Ember again. “I apologize for speaking to you that way, Miss Jameson. If you would, please show us were you would like your things and we will get started… If you still want us to do the job, ma’am.”

Ember’s green eyes were frosty. “You’re already here, so you might as well unload. I’ve already set pictures of everything the way I want them placed. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you have a question, ask it. Don’t just assume. You fuckers aren’t leaving until everything is where I want it.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The man nodded and turned to his men, barking orders to get started.

Ember turned to me with a grimace. “Thanks. I appreciate your help.”

I shrugged. “I didn’t do much, but you’re welcome. If you don’t mind, even if you decide that you don’t want me for the job, I’d like to stay until they get done…or your guys get home.”

“Let’s talk inside. I could use something to drink. Would you like something?”

Chapter 3


I followed Ember into the kitchen, barely taking in the living room as we passed through it. It was empty except for the pictures on the floor showing what and how she wanted her furniture placed. She was exceptionally well organized, but I guess she needed to be after years of taking care of the members of Demon’s Wings.

The kitchen had all new appliances: a huge stainless steel fridge, flattop stove, and dishwasher. There was a large island in the center with a sink and garbage disposal. Granite countertops in an earth tone went well with the yellow walls trimmed in white. There were no chairs so I leaned against the island while she extracted bottles of water from the fridge and offered me one.


“I really do appreciate your help outside. Not that I couldn’t have handled it, but I’ve gotten a little more cautious since I’ve been pregnant.” She rubbed a caressing hand over her swollen belly.

I nodded. “I understand. And you’re welcome. That guy was such a douche, but I’ve come across my share.”

“Trust me, in the rock business I’ve had my fair share too.” She grimaced. “Rich is really going to pay for this one…” She muttered under her breath before taking a swallow of her water. After a moment Ember shook her head as if to shake off her thoughts. “Let’s get down to business.” She held out her hand. “I’m Ember Jameson… But please call me Emmie.”

I shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Emmie.”

“I’m going to be straight forward with you, Layla. The first housekeeper that I interviewed this morning was nearly as bad as the second one you saw leaving. I can’t relax with pretentious people like that in my house. But you, I like you. And honestly that doesn’t happen often. I don’t have many female friends…” she rolled her eyes. “Growing up with my guys made it hard to make girl friends.”

I grinned. “I’m a fan of Demon’s Wings, so I think I understand what you’re saying.”

Her eyes lit up. “Awesome. I appreciate real fans. Most of the females that are fans tend to be thrill seeking whores looking for a one night stand.”

I knew women like that, had grown up with a woman like that. It wasn’t me. Sex with a rocker wasn’t my thing. I have seen firsthand the consequences of what a one-nighter with some drunken rocker could bring. “I don’t do rockers, just listen to their music,” I assured her.

“Tell me about yourself.” She hopped up on the counter beside the stove, swinging her legs while she studied me. “Are you married, got a boyfriend, kids?”

I shook my head. “No and no. There isn’t a man in my life, and I don’t want one. Men are trouble. I don’t have kids, but I do have custody of my sisters. Lucy is six, and Layla will be eighteen in a few weeks.”

She looked thoughtful about that for a minute then nodded. “Okay. Well, I want to offer you the job. I have to give you a three month trial period, but I really would like for you to work here.”

My heart stuttered for a moment, before jumping and galloping away. “Are you serious?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

“Very serious. I think we will work well together.” She picked up a note pad that I had just noticed on the counter beside of her. “Let’s talk benefits. I want to hire you straight out, that means that your contract will be through me and not the normal one that Perfectly Clean would require. I read over that thing they sent over and had serious issues with it.” She gave a disgusted grunt. “Now, this is just the rough draft. I’ll have my lawyer draft the real contract, and you can sign it at the end of the week.”


“You’ll have health care which includes dental. Vision is optional, but we can discuss that later. Since you have your sisters to think of we can put them on your plan. That’s up to you, but don’t ask my opinion on children without health care. We might come to blows over that.”

“I’d like to have them both on my plan.” I hastened to tell her. I couldn’t have cared less if I had health insurance, but the girls needed it.

Emmie smiled. “Okay. But like I said, we can discuss that later.” She scribbled something on her notepad. “This place is huge, but we also have a guest house detached. It’s only a one bedroom, a thousand square feet. It’s completely furnished with its own kitchen, and I would like for you to move into it. I’m sorry but I need a live in. We don’t have parties or anything, but my guys need cleaning up after, more on an hourly basis than a daily.”

Was she for real? She wanted me to move in? I couldn’t answer her I was so shocked. She frowned at my continued silence. “I understand if you don’t want to, what with your sisters. I mean these are rockers, and they have lived a hard life. I wouldn’t want my sisters subjected to that either, but…”

“No!” I shook my head. “No, that isn’t it. I would love to move in.” Fuck, I was a month behind on my rent and had been expecting my shrew of a landlady to knock on my door any day now with an eviction notice. I was sure that I was dreaming, or I had stepped into some alternate universe where everything went my way. “And Lucy… She’s seen worse.”

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