My bra went flying. and then he was jerking my pants down. I lifted my hips enough to help him, and then he was on his knees. I bit my lip to keep from screaming when his tongue plunged inside of me. My fingers gripped his smooth head and held him close while he ate me until I was on the very edge.

Trembling, I pushed his head away. “You, Jesse. I need you!”

He licked my arousal from his lips, some actually dripping from his chin, a testament to how much I needed him. “Is it still safe?”

I knew what he was asking, was it still safe for him to go bare. I didn’t even think about it. Nodding, I reached for his silk covered, steel erection and positioned him at my opening. “Fuck me.” I breathed in desperate need.

He stilled just as the head of his dick slipped inside. “This is not fucking,” he whispered. “Tell me you understand that.”


“Say it,” he commanded, sliding another inch inside of me in slow torture.

I licked my lips. “This isn’t fucking.”

Another inch. “What is it then, Layla?”

I was caught in those mesmerizing eyes of his, as they swirled with need and darkened with an emotion I was just coming to accept. “Making love,” I whispered.

“Why is it making love?” he demanded in a voice filled with so many different things that it made my head swim trying to figure them all out.


“Because I love you,” I assured him, and this time it didn’t terrify the hell out me when I admitted it.

“Say it again.”

“I love you, Jesse.” He slammed all the way inside of me, making me cry out in pleasure.

Fingers tangled in my hair, pulling my head back enough so that he was looking into them. It felt as if he could see to my very soul. “I love you, Layla.” His words were like a promise, one that I hoped he would never break.


Making love to Layla was a do or die kind of thing. If I didn’t make love to her I felt like was going to die. Sure, it was a fast and hard loving, but it was in no way a causal fuck in the laundry room. It would never be causal with me and Layla. It would never be fucking.

I thrust into her again, whispering that I loved her against the shell of her ear. She answered me with a muffled cry against my chest, her nails bit into my back was a delicious pain filled pleasure. I wanted to take it slow, but time was against it us, and I pumped in and out of her at piston speed. Her moans filled the room, my heavy breathing loud in my ears.

With each thrust I felt the inner walls of her pussy clamp down harder. I felt my balls tightening, telling me that I was close. It felt so good to be bare inside of her that I couldn’t control myself. I wanted to fill her with my come, the thought alone making me ready to burst.

“Jesse!” She screamed my name and I covered her mouth with my own to drown out her cries. I felt her pussy flood with her cream, quickly followed by her inner walls convulsing with spasm after spasm. Each one milked me of my own release, and I bit down on her lip to keep my shout inside.

For a few minutes, I just stood there, holding her, kissing away the hurt I had caused by biting her. I tasted her blood on my tongue and raised my head to inspect the damage I had caused. There was a tiny cut on her bottom lip, blood beading on it. I licked it away, distraught that I had hurt her like this. “I’m sorry.”

She grinned. “Don’t be. I liked it.” She sucked the lip into her mouth. “That was amazing.”

“Yes it was,” I agreed and reluctantly stepped back. There was a stack of towels on the folding table behind me and I took one to wipe her clean of our combined fluids before doing the same to myself. When we were clean, I tucked my dick back into my boxers and jeans and helped her put her bra back on.

“Do you think anyone heard us?” she asked when she was dressed.

I shook my head. “Nik will still be with Em. Drake and Shane didn’t come home with us.” Drake had gotten a text from Lana before I had even called Layla. She was having car trouble, and he and Shane had gone to help her. I hoped that the thing was unfixable. Maybe then Drake could talk Lana into letting him buy her a new car and I could get Layla her own. I hated for either of them to drive that old Corolla.

Layla combed her fingers through her tangled hair. “I need to get Lucy off the bus. Are we still on for dinner?”

“Definitely.” I pulled her close for a quick kiss, loving the way she sighed and leaned into me. “I need to grab a shower and then we can go.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll come over in about an hour then,” I promised her and let her go when she pulled away. Before she could open the door, I stopped her. “Layla?” I needed her to understand something. It was important that she knew. When she turned back with a question in her chocolate brown eyes, I told her the truth. “I love you, Layla.”

I saw something like relief flash across her face, and I knew that I had guessed right. The two times I had told her I loved her had been in the heat of the moment with me buried deep inside her. She probably thought that I said that to every girl I had sex with. “I’ve only ever said that to one other woman, baby,” I informed her. “And she’s upstairs with one of my best friends.”

“I love you too, Jesse,” she told me. “I’ve never said that to another guy, ever.” With a smile, she opened the door and walked away, leaving me standing there with the feeling that I had been kicked in the ribs.

It took me a few minutes to get my heart under control again after her confession. I missed her already, so I rushed upstairs and jumped into the shower. I rushed the process, skipping a second shave for the day just so I could get to her sooner. I made sure that my shirt didn’t have any holes and my jeans were a pair of the newer ones that Emmie had bought me. It was bad that I didn’t buy things for myself, but I would have to learn to change that with what I had planned for the future.

When I was dressed, I went down the hall to check on Emmie. Layla had worried me to death when she first told me that Emmie hadn’t been feeling well today. Every time she was sick, I got flashes of the time she ended up in the hospital from dehydration. She could have died if Axton hadn’t been there to help her.

I knocked on the closed bedroom door then walked in. Emmie was lying on her side with Nik tucked behind her, holding her close. When she saw me she smiled. “Hey.”

“How are you feeling?” I asked, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

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