“Tell me,” he commanded.

I looked away, knowing instinctively what he wanted me to say, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. Emotion clogged my throat. It wasn’t possible to feel that deeply this soon. It was crazy to even think it could happen! Not with a rocker! Not with a rocker!

Not with a rocker!

“Please, Layla,” he whispered. “I need to hear you say it. I want those words to be on your sweet lips when I come.”

“I can’t.” I shook my head. “This is crazy.”

“I know, baby. I know. It’s crazy, and scary, but it’s also the best thing I’ve ever felt. I don’t know if it’s just because of how amazing we are together in bed, but I don’t care. I feel the same way. Please, say the words!”

He hadn’t increased his speed, but I could feel my inner muscles quickening once more. My nipples grazed across his chest with each upward thrust, pushing me higher. “Jess…” I licked my lips, a sure sign that I was close. “Oh God!”

“Say it,” he pleaded, a vein sticking out in his neck. He was barely hanging on.

“If I say it will you fuck me hard?” I cried.

“No. Not this time.” His fingers dug into my hips, fighting his release, but he didn’t stop moving inside of me.

“I…” I couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt my desire bursting forward, my cream pooling and dripping down his dick, over his balls. I tossed my head back and cried out. “I love you!”


“Love you too,” he gritted out as he emptied inside of me.

Chapter 12


We fell onto the bed, both of us out of breath and panting hard. The complete contentment I felt at her words, followed by the most incredible orgasm I have ever experienced, left me feeling carefree. I could have floated I felt so good just then.

Layla lay under me, her breathing just as frenzied as my own. We were covered in sweat and come, but I didn’t care. I wanted to bask in this feeling for as long as possible, but I was heavy, so I rolled to my side, taking her with me. One leg wrapped around both of hers, her head tucked under my chin and my semi-hard dick still inside of her tight little pussy…I could have happily died then and there.

We lay like that for a long while. I felt her breathing even out, but knew she hadn’t fallen asleep. It was enough just to hold each other for now, and I didn’t want to sleep through a second of it any more than she did.

“Tell me something no one else knows,” she whispered sometime later.

I kissed the top of her head. “I don’t think there’s anything about me that Em doesn’t know.”

She pulled back, her brow raised at my confession. “Really?”

I shrugged. “She knows us all inside and out. She knows all my secrets just as she knows all of Drake’s, Shane’s, and Nik’s.” My fingers lazily trailed up and down her bare back. “That probably sounds nuts…”

Layla shook her head. “No. That sounds… It must be nice to have someone that you trust that much. With every little secret, ever dirty deed. I envy you.”

I pulled back, propping my head up on my hand so that I could look down at the woman who had snuck into my heart way too quickly. I knew nothing about her, but I was determined to rectify that before the end of the night. “You don’t have someone you can confide in?” She shook her head. “Not even Lana?”

She grimaced. “Lana is the last person I would confide all my dark deeds to. I want her to be untouched by all the things that I’ve done in the past.”

“Then tell them to me,” I urged. “Confide them in me. I won’t judge you. Not after the life I’ve lived.”

With a thoughtful frown, she turned onto her stomach, resting her chin on her crossed arms. “My life hasn’t been pretty.”

Unable to keep from touching her, I reached over and stroked my fingers through her long cinnamon colored hair. “I don’t care about that. Tell me your secrets.”

She turned her head so that she was looking at me. “Okay.” Her little pink tongue came out and moistened her bottom lip. I was transfixed for a moment, watching that wicked appendage disappear back into her hot mouth. “My mother tossed me out when I was sixteen,” she told me. “She found her current sugar daddy in bed with me.”

I didn’t even blink at that, although the thought of her being thrown out by her mother at such a young age made my anger rise. “Go on.”

She seemed surprised that I wasn’t casting any kind of judgment or asking questions. “I didn’t have anywhere to go, so I ended up in a shelter for a few weeks.” Shame darkened her eyes, burned in her pretty cheeks. “I had to quit school. No one would hire me, a teenager who was a high school drop out.”

“That must have been rough,” I murmured, continuing to stroke her hair.

Layla nodded. “It was. At first. Until I met Zeke.” A small smile lifted the corner of her sinful mouth. “It was raining and I was riding the bus to stay warm and dry. He got on just outside of Sunset and dropped down on the bench beside of me…” She sighed. “He scared the hell out of me. All those tattoos and piercings.” She raised her head, scratching her nose. “But he was the first person that was nice to me that day. He had a sack full of fast food and I guess he could hear my stomach growling. I hadn’t eaten in two days…” She grimaced and I had to force my fingers not to tangle in her hair. The thought of her hungry…I couldn’t stand that. I had witnessed a hungry Emmie far too often when she was a kid. Layla being hungry…It hurt even worse than the memories of Emmie!

“He gave me the whole bag. It was full of burgers and fries. They were his dinner, but Zeke gave it all to me without saying a word about it.”

A lump formed in my throat, and I wanted to meet this Zeke guy, to shake his hand and thank him for taking care of my Layla. “He sounds like a good guy.” I managed in a croaky voice.

Her smile grew slightly bigger. “He was. I was a complete stranger to him. Could have been any type of person. But he fed me then took me home with him. He had an extra room since his roommate had moved to Boston. Even though he scared me, I still felt safer with him than going back to the shelter.”

She was quiet for a minute, and then blew out a long sigh. “Zeke owned a tattoo parlor and gave me a job. I answered the phones, kept the place clean. It wasn’t much, but at least I had a little money coming in, and I didn’t feel like I was mooching off him.”

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