“All I needed to make this perfect was for Wroth to be the one waiting with the minister and you giving me away. The rest is immaterial.” I leaned on tiptoes to kiss his cheek, having taken off the heels and replacing them with slippers instead. “But thank you, Li.”

My brother cleared his throat, as if he were choked up, tightened his hold on my hand as he tucked it under his arm and took that first step that lead to my future. Finally, I let my gaze go to Wroth and my next breath got trapped in my throat as I took in the man who was about to become my husband. He wasn’t wearing a tux, but his formal marines uniform. It had been years since I’d seen him wear that uniform but it still had the power to make me breathless from just looking at him.

It took every ounce of willpower I still possessed to keep from rushing up the aisle and throwing myself into his arms. His smile told me that he was having the same problem.


I couldn’t speak. The words that I was supposed to repeat were lodged in my throat and refused to come out. Oh fuck. Oh. Fuck. I swallowed hard, trying to get through the lump that had clogged my throat the moment I’d seen Marissa standing at the end of the aisle in her wedding dress with her brother standing beside her.

There had never been a more beautiful sight than my girl standing there in white as she walked toward me. The smile on her face had been breathtaking and I’d yet to regain mine.

And I couldn’t get the words out.

I could feel the panic bubbling up. She was going to think I didn’t want to marry her. Oh. Fuck…

Soft fingers cupped my face and I blinked down into those blue eyes that fucking owned me. She smiled softly, lovingly, I could suddenly breathe, could swallow the lump in my throat and I cleared my throat as I repeated the vows that would bind Marissa and me together for eternity. With the last words, I slipped my ring onto her finger next to her engagement ring and let out a relieved breath.

Then it was her turn, and she swallowed hard a few times before she was able to get the words out as she placed the matching wedding band I’d chosen for us on my finger. A tear spilled down her cheek as she pushed the ring into place and stared down at it as if she were dazed.

I couldn’t blame her. This all seemed pretty surreal to me as well. I finally had everything I’d ever wanted, ever dreamed of, standing right in front of me. I’d always been so sure that I’d never been good enough to have this, but here we were, having a man of God pronouncing to the world that we were husband and wife.


There was a roar behind us as everyone stood, clapping and whooping as they called out congratulations and best wishes. I glanced at them for a second before grabbing Marissa’s waist and pulling her against me. My gaze went to those luscious lips that were every man’s fantasy and my body responded accordingly, instantly hardening and pulsing against her soft stomach as I lowered my head and captured her lips in a kiss that sealed our fate.

I only tasted her for a moment, knowing that now that she was finally my wife I wouldn’t be able to control myself as I had been able to do in the past. Now there wasn’t anything to keep me from taking what had always been mine. As if she were thinking the same thing, her fingers thrust into my hair to hold me in place for a little longer, her tongue coming out to skim over my bottom lip before she pulled back enough to meet my gaze. “Are you mine, Wroth?”

“Then. Now. Forever,” I pledged.

“I think I know what I want for my first tattoo,” she surprised me by saying and I threw my head back and laughed in a way that made my soul sing.

“We’ll both get it, okay?” I told her and lowered my head to kiss her again.

Everyone was ready to party afterwards but I had other plans. While our friends all got into the vans that had brought us to the warehouse, I bundled Marissa into the back of the limo that had driven her. There wasn’t time for a honeymoon but we had two full nights to ourselves before we had to meet up with the tour again. And later, when this fucking tour was over, I would take my girl—my wife—on an actual honeymoon wherever she wanted to go.

It took thirty minutes to get to the Hilton and I was thankful for efficient staff as they quickly checked us in. Our bags had already been sent ahead and were waiting for us when I opened the door to our suite and carried Marissa over the threshold. She giggled as I stepped inside and kicked the door shut with my foot before tossing her on the bed.

“Wroth!” she squealed when I bounced on top of her and started to tear the dress from her. “Don’t tear my dress.”

“Sweetheart, I will buy you twenty of them. Just hush and let me get you naked, okay? I’m dying here, girl.” I captured her lips when she started to protest again. I pulled back when I felt the dress rip and gave a satisfied shout as the dress split open down the front. Pushing the material away, I uncovered a sight that would have brought me to my knees if I had been standing.

In white silk panties and matching bra, Marissa looked like a goddess lying beneath me. My entire body began to shake as I attempted to hold my desperate need for her in check. Marissa grinned up at me knowingly, her own body trembling as she lifted her hands and linked her arms around my neck. “I love you, Wroth.”

“Love you, too,” I got out in a tight rumble as I lowered my head and kissed her.


The feel of his hands on my breasts over my bra felt so good. The feel of his hot body through the layers of his uniform was a sweet madness as his dick flexed against my lower stomach. I squirmed against him, seeking a closer connection to that one part of his body that I knew would send me shooting toward the stars.

Calloused fingers tore my bra away just as he had the material of my wedding dress and then those big, rough hands were cupping, pinching, tugging. And I was moaning, crying out his name as my need for him heightened. His lips trailed down my neck and over my chest until he was swallowing one breast almost whole. My back arched off the bed as I sought a deeper connection. “Wroth, please.”

“Hush, sweetheart. I’m trying to make this good for you. I don’t want to hurt you.” He moved from one breast to the other, showing it the same attention he had its twin. “Damn, you taste so good.”

While his mouth devoured my pulsing nipple, his hands traveled lower, tearing away my panties as if they were nothing more than tissue paper. I moaned when his fingers found my damp folds and spread the lips of my sex. His thumb rubbed over the little nub that was my clit and then lower, where he rimmed the entrance to my body.

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