It seemed like they suddenly appeared out of nowhere because I was suddenly surrounded by munchkins. Children in various ages all dressed up like the little people from my favorite movie. They all surrounded me and hugged me. A laugh bubbled up and I was unable to contain it as I hugged the kids back.

“Munchkins, munchkins!” a voice I knew well called out and when I looked around, I spotted Dallas, dressed up as Glinda the Good Witch. I had to press my lips together as I saw the tattooed blonde bombshell dressed up like Glinda in full costume—right down to the wings and wand.

The children around me drew back, making room for Dallas the Good Witch. When I glanced back to ask Emmie if this was for real, she was gone. Dallas tapping me on the nose with her wand forced me to turn my attention back to her and once again it was nearly impossible to keep from giggling at the sight of her dressed like this.

“How much did Emmie have to pay you to wear that?” I asked with a grin.

Dallas shook her head at me. “All she had to say was that this was for you. I—we…”—she nodded around her at everything— “…did this because we love you.” She cleared her throat. “Now listen up, Marissa Bryant. What you seek is at the end of the yellow brick road.” I giggled and she rolled her blue eyes at me. “Stop it. I’m trying to be serious.”

“Sorry,” I murmured, trying to keep my giggles from overcoming me.

“As you should be, bitch.” The munchkins all gasped at her use of a bad word and Dallas sighed loudly. “Where was I? Oh, yeah. What you seek is at the end of the yellow brick road, inside the gates of Emerald City. Along the way, you will run into friends who love you as much as I do. Each has something special for you that will make your decision easier to make.”

“My decision?” I couldn’t help but catch that odd choice of words.

Dallas tapped me on the nose again with her wand. “When a man loves you this much, Marissa, I don’t think it would be much of a decision to make.” She winked and stepped back. “Okay, munchkins. She must be on her way. He won’t like having to wait longer than he needs to.”

“Who won’t?” I demanded. “Wroth?”

Of course Dallas didn’t tell me whether it was or not. I just got another wink and then the sudden sound of a violin playing “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” filled the air. For real? This was really happening? I wasn’t in some kind of weird dream, was I?


“Follow the yellow brick road, Marissa,” Dallas commanded.

I stepped back. “Okay, then.” Grinning, I rolled my eyes at her and stepped onto the yellow brick road’s path.

One of the munchkins stepped forward and I was startled when I realized it was Lucy. “Follow the yellow brick road!”

“Lucy!” I hugged her.

Another munchkin stepped forward. “Follow the yellow brick road!”

“Mia!” I bent to kiss her cheek and she giggled but stepped back before I could hug her.

“Follow the yellow brick road!” the munchkins said in chorus.

“I am,” I told them. “See? I’m following the yellow brick road.”

“Good luck,” Dallas called after me and I waved before doing as I’d been so forcefully instructed to do.

Giggling like a child, I walked down the yellow path, passing the spot where the Scarecrow would have been with a nostalgic smile before continuing. A little farther and I saw a statue of the Tin Man and stopped for a moment to check it out.

Honestly, I’d seen better statues of Tin Man, but it was the thought that counted. I stepped closer, raising my fist to knock on his chest to see if he would sound hollow or not when a hand shot out and grabbed me. I screamed and stepped back, but Tin Man had a tight hold on my wrist.

“Not so fast there, Dorothy.”

My fear instantly faded and I glared up at my brother. “You scared me to death.”

Liam grinned down at me, the silver paint on his face cracking just a little at the corners of his mouth. “Sorry, Ris.”

My eyes trailed over him from top to bottom and, unlike when I’d seen Dallas as Glinda, I couldn’t contain my giggles at seeing my big bad brother dressed up like the Tin Man. “I can’t believe you would dress up like this for me.”

His eyes darkened. “Believe it. I love you so much, Rissa. You are the most important person in my life. I would die for you.” Strong arms wrapped around me in a hug and I got to experience my first Tin Man hug ever, made all the better because it was one of the two men that I loved the most in the world. Stepping back, I was surprised when I saw the tears in my brother’s eyes that he was trying to hide. “All I’ve ever wanted for you was your happiness, Rissa. And if my dressing up like a freakin’ can of sardines will bring that smile to your face, I’d do it again and again.”

“Li…” I blinked back my tears, a sob choking me as I tried to hold it back. “I love you to, Li.”

He cleared his throat and offered me his arm, just as a violin started playing “We’re Off to See the Wizard”. “That’s my cue,” Liam informed me with a smile. “Shall we go see the wizard, Ris?”

“With you? I’d love to, brother mine.”

“I’m not skipping,” Liam muttered as we stepped back onto the yellow path.

“Agreed.” I giggled.

Onward we walked, and I tried not to skip as the music continued to fill the air. This was quite possibly the most fun I’d ever had in my life. The only thing that would have made it better was if Wroth were there with me, but he was in Emerald City waiting for me. It couldn’t have been anyone else, because Wroth was the only person I was ‘seeking’ as Dallas the Good Witch had said.

When the music faded and Liam stopped, I nearly pouted. I was having fun, so why did we have to stop? “Li-”

“Shh.” He covered my mouth. “Listen, Ris.”

I frowned and glanced around, not hearing anything out of the ordinary. “What? I don’t hear…” The rumble that came from a bush just a few feet away made me jump and Liam stepped in front of me to protect me.

“Come out of there,” Liam demanded. The bush shook and the rumble came again. Liam took a step closer to the bush and we both jumped back when a man in Lion’s costume popped his head up and then stood.

“Gotcha,” Axton said and chuckled as he stepped out of the bush. “Dude, you were supposed to be expecting it. Why’d you jump too?”

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